[Amazing] 25 Genuinely Funny And Hilarious Facts About Random Silly Things

There are some facts that are useful. Those are the ones you should focus your time on learning. Then there are other facts that are less useful. Don’t focus on those. But there is a third category. There are useless facts that are funny. Those are worth learning because you can impress your friends and family. You could even potentially impress that girl that you’ve had a crush on since 2nd grade and get married and start a family. It’s crazy what learning a few silly facts can do for your future. It’s like winning the lottery! Okay, that was exaggerated, but seriously, who invented the fire hydrant? You don’t know? Well neither does anybody else! That’s because the patent for fire hydrants disappeared in a fire. Oh the irony. That’s not good enough? Okay how about this one – farts have been clocked at speeds of up to 16 kilometers per hour! It must have stunk to be that researcher! (pun intended). Don’t you want to learn even more random but funny facts? Of course you do! Then keep on reading because these are 25 genuinely funny and hilarious facts about random silly things.

Featured Image: sketchport.com


A "butt" was a medieval unit of measure for wine


Source: wikipedia


Farts have been clocked at speeds of up to 16 km/h (10 mph)

Farts have been clocked at speeds of up to 16 km/h (10 mph)

Source: oddee.com


Speaking of flatulence, fart battles were a popular theme on Japanese art scrolls that were created during the Edo period

Fart Battles were a popular theme on Japanese art scrolls that were created during the Edo period

Source: wikipedia


Due to the lack of an "r" sound in Japanese, Ronald McDonald is called Donald McDonald

Due to the lack of an

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


A survey performed by Citrix found that more than 50% of people think that bad weather affects cloud computing

A survey performed by Citrix found that more than 50% of people think that bad weather affects cloud computing

Source: businessinsider.com, Image: pixabay


If the radius of a pizza is Z and its thickness is A, then its volume is PI*Z*Z*A

If the radius of a pizza is Z and its thickness is A, then its volume is PI*Z*Z*A

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Coca Cola ended its deal with Ronaldinho when he was caught sipping a Pepsi

Coca Cola ended its deal with Ronaldinho when he was caught sipping a Pepsi

Source: usatoday.com, Image: wikipedia


According to a YouGov survey, 55% of Americans think that they are smarter than the average American

55% of Americans think that they are smarter than the average American

Source: nationaljournal.com


When Montenegro gained independence from Yugoslavia, its internet domain name went from .yu to .me

When Montenegro gained independence from Yugoslavia, its internet domain name when from .yu to .me

Source: wikipedia


The scientific name for the western lowland gorilla is "gorilla gorilla gorilla"

The scientific name for the western lowland gorilla is

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


In the US, there is an official Rock Paper Scissors League

In the US, there is an official Rock Paper Scissors League

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In ancient Greece, the word "idiot" referred to all non-politicians

In ancient Greece, the world

Source: wikipedia


China has forbidden re-incarnation unless you have prior government permission

China has forbidden re-incarnation unless you have prior government persmission

Source: wikipedia


Viruses can get infected by other viruses

Viruses can get viruses

Source: nationalgeographi.com, Image: wikipedia


More than 80,000 people have graduated from McDonald's Hamburger University with a degree in Hamburgerology

More than 80,000 people have graduated from McDonald's Hamburger University with a degree in Hamburgerology

Source: huffintonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


In China, the word censorship has been censored

In China, the word censorship has been censored

Soruce: aljazeera.com


In Oklahoma, it is a crime to take a bite out of somebody else's hamburger

In Oklahoma, it is a crime to take a bite out of somebody else's hamburger

Source: dailymail.co.uk


The last words of Henry Royce, co-founder of Rolls-Royce were actually "I wish I had spent more time at the office"

The last words of Henry Royce, co-founder of Rolls-Royce were actually

Source: reddit


As of the writing of this article there are at least 97 people called Lol in the United States

As of the writing of this article there are at least 97 people called Lol in the United States

Source: whitepages.com


In the Arabic version of the Simpsons, Homer is called Omar Shamshoom

In the Arabic version of the Simpsons, Homer is called Omar Shamshoom

Source: reddit, Image: youtube


Nobody knows who invented the first fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire

Nobody knows who invented the first fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire

Source: wikipedia


The band Blink-182 originally incorporated under the name "Poo Poo Butt LLC" because they thought it would be funny to hear their managers, accountants, and business people have to say that

The band Blink-182 originally incorporated under the name

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The logo of the Royal New Zealand air force features the kiwi, a flightless bird

The logo of the Royal New Zealand air force features the kiwi, a flightless bird

Source: wikipedia


Benjamin Franklin was such a prankster that the Declaration of Independence had to be proofread to make sure he didn't write anything silly

Thomas Jefferson was such a prankster that the Declaration of Independence had to be proofread to make sure he didn't write anything silly

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The last movie rented from Blockbuster before it closed its doors was "This Is The End"

The last movie rented from Blockbuster before it closed its doors was

Source: reddit

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