[Amazing] 25 Little Known Pieces Of Information That You Never Needed To Know

There are some things that are important to know. Like your multiplication tables. And the capital of Naypyidaw. Wait, you don’t know the capital of Naypyidaw? Well, you shouldn’t know the capital of Naypyidaw, because it’s already the capital…of Burma. Yea, we know. You probably didn’t even know Burma was a country. Stop reading this list and go read an almanac now. For the rest of you, get ready to waste the next 10 minutes of you life! Why would you want to do that? Well, if you managed to get this far that means you are already familiar with lots of trivial and probably less-than-necessary knowledge. So why not increase it? Why not go all the way and learn everything you can about things that don’t matter or affect your life on a daily basis? This list of 25 unimportant and trivial facts is the perfect place to start! Get ready to fill your head with useless knowledge. This is the perfect way to crowd out more useful information, like what you were planning to eat for lunch. It’s ok though. There’s always tomorrow’s lunch. These are 25 little known pieces of information that you never needed to know.


There is town in Oklahoma called Okay. On maps it is abbreviated as Okay, OK

There is town in Oklahoma called Okay. On maps it is abbreviated as Okay, OK

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


An average horse is capable of nearly 15 horsepower

An average horse is capable of nearly 15 horsepower

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


M&M stands for Mars and Murrie's, which are the founder's last names.

M&M stands for Mars and Murrie's, which are the founder's last names.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The English dictionary from 1932 to 1940 included a misprinted word which had no definition, 'Dord'. ‘Dord’ became known as a ‘ghost word’.

The English dictionary from 1932 to 1940 included a misprinted word which had no definition, 'Dord'. ‘Dord’ became known as a ‘ghost word’.

Source: reddit


The sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System. About half of the remainder is Jupiter.

The sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System. About half of the remainder is Jupiter.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Rhinos can communicate using their poop and get information about other rhinos

Rhinos can communicate using their poop and get information about other rhinos

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Kermit the Frog is left handed


Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The north pole is actually the earth's south magnetic pole

The north pole is actually the earth's south magnetic pole

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Mount Everest was originally calculated to be exactly 29,000 feet high but its height was first published as 29,002 feet so that people wouldn't think it had just been rounded.

Mount Everest was originally calculated to be exactly 29,000 feet high but its height was first published as 29,002 feet so that people wouldn't think it had just been rounded.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


In order to determine if the female giraffe is fertile, the male giraffe head butts her in the abdomen until she urinates. He then tastes the urine to determine her fertility.

In order to determine if the female giraffe is fertile, the male giraffe head butts her in the abdomen until she urinates. He then tastes the urine to determine her fertility.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


There are more molecules in one glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the earth's oceans combined.

There are more molecules in one glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the earth's oceans combined.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Most American car horns sound in the note of F

Most American car horns sound in the note of F

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The largest shadow ever photographed was cast by the rings of Saturn onto the planet's surface.

The largest shadow ever photographed was cast by the rings of Saturn onto the planet's surface.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The first man made object to break the sound barrier was the whip.

The first man made object to break the sound barrier was the whip.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad, and the most popular last name is Chen, yet there aren't many Muhammad Chens

The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad, and the most popular last name is Chen, yet there aren't many Muhammad Chens

Source: reddit


George Foreman named all five of his boys George

George Foreman named all five of his boys George

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


A single strand of spiderweb long enough to be strung all the way across the world would weigh less than a pound.

A single strand of spiderweb long enough to be strung all the way across the world would weigh less than a pound.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


America's Independence Day should actually be July 2nd, as that is the day the Continental Congress actually voted for independence.

America's Independence Day should actually be July 2nd, as that is the day the Continental Congress actually voted for independence.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Male and female shrimps are all born male. When they reach a certain age/size they switch to female.

Male and female shrimps are all born male. When they reach a certain age/size they switch to female.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


If you put your fingertip in your ear and wiggle it up and down it makes the Pacman sound effect.

If you put your fingertip in your ear and wiggle it up and down it makes the Pacman sound effect.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Fruit is a term from botany and vegetable is primarily a culinary term. In other words, your grandmother calls a tomato a vegetable...and she is right. A scientist calls a tomato a fruit...and he/she is also right

Fruit is a term from botany and vegetable is primarily a culinary term. In other words, your grandmother calls a tomato a vegetable...and she is right. A scientist calls a tomato a fruit...and he/she is also right

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The plural of cow used to be kine.

The plural of cow used to be kine.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


A single strand of spaghetti is called a spaghetto.

A single strand of spaghetti is called a spaghetto.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


The rate of speed at which a mouse cursor travels is called a Mickey.

The rate of speed at which a mouse cursor travels is called a Mickey.

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Most people have an above average number of legs.

Most people have an above average number of legs.

Source: reddit

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