[Amazing] 25 Mind Bending Scientific Truths To Challenge Your Brain

It doesn’t take much to realize that science is awesome! For example, you probably already know that everything is made up of atoms. Those atoms have a few protons and neutrons in the nucleus and then they are surrounded by electrons that orbit the nucleus like little moons (simplified explanation). At any rate, the most interesting thing about atoms is that they are about 99.99% empty space. That’s right. This screen consists of atoms. And those atoms consists of almost nothing. So why is it that you don’t see right through the screen. In fact, how is it that we can see/feel/stand on anything at all? It’s because of forces. Those atoms in the table (in spite of just being mostly empty space) actually repel the atoms (aka empty space) in your hand. So what you are touching isn’t actually a “thing”. When you touch something you are actually experiencing a repulsive force, kind of like gravity. And since those empty atoms reflect photons, you cannot see through them. You only see the photons being reflected off of what is essentially empty space. Crazy right?!

See we told you science was awesome! Just wait til you read about all the other scientific truths found in this list! So if you’re ready to give your brain a challenge, read on! These are 25 mind bending scientific truths to challenge your brain.

Featured Image: wikipedia


If a thimble were filled with matter from a neutron star, it would weigh almost 100 million tons

If a thimble were filled with matter from a neutron star, it would weigh almost 100 million tons

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Blindsight is a phenomenon where blind people produce physiological responses to visual stimuli (e.g. angry faces) in spite of not being able to perceive them

Blindsight is a phenomenon where blind people produce physiological responses to visual stimuli (e.g. angry faces) in spite of not being able to perceive them

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


If humans had used Newton's formulas instead of Einstein's theory of relativity, GPS calculations would be off by several miles

If humans had used Newton's formulas instead of Einstein's theory of relativity, GPS calculations would be off by several miles

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The coldest place anywhere in the known universe is (was) right here on Earth in a laboratory. Scientists managed to nearly freeze atoms using laser cooling. This has lead to temperatures within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero.

The coldest place anywhere in the known universe is (was) right here on Earth in a laboratory. Scientists managed to nearly freeze atoms using laser cooling. This has lead to temperatures within a billionth of a degree of absolute zero.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The human brain has more synapses than the Milky Way has stars

The human brain has more synapses than the Milky Way has stars

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


If you removed all of the empty space out of its atoms, you could fit Mount Everest into a shot glass

If you removed all of the empty space out of its atoms, you could fit Mount Everest into a shot glass

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The same compound that gives raspberries their flavor is found throughout our galaxy. That's right, the Milky Way tastes like raspberries!

The same compound that gives raspberries their flavor is found throughout our galaxy. That's right, the Milky Way tastes like raspberries!

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


According to the Hafele–Keating experiment, time moves faster on westward bound flights than on eastward bound flights (relative to Earth's center)

According to the Hafele–Keating experiment, time moves faster on westward bound flights than on eastward bound flights (relative to Earth's center)

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


All of the cells in your body have been dividing ever since life on Earth began. And all of that division will end with your death except for any cells that you pass on to your offspring (1 per child) and a few special circumstances (organ donation, etc)

All of the cells in your body have been dividing ever since life on Earth began. And all of that division will end with your death except for any cells that you pass on to your offspring (1 per child) and a few special circumstances (organ donation, etc)

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The only reason you are able to read this article is because there are hundreds of miles of glass fiber cable laying on the bottom of the ocean

The only reason you are able to read this article is because there are hundreds of miles of glass fiber cable laying on the bottom of the ocean

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The lubricant in your knees is one of the slipperiest substances known to man

The lubricant in your knees is one of the slipperiest substances known to man

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

Are you enjoying these scientific truths? Then be sure to check out these 25 Science “Facts” That Were Proven Wrong


When you remember a past event, you're not remembering the event itself, but rather the last time that you remembered it (except the first time of course). In other words you're having a memory of a memory. This is partially why human memories are so inaccurate.

When you remember a past event, you're not remembering the event itself, but rather the last time that you remembered it (except the first time of course). In other words you're having a memory of a memory. This is partially why human memories are so inaccurate.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Pluto has only made 1/3 of a revolution since being discovered

Pluto has only made 1/3 of a revolution since being discovered

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


If the Earth were the size of a billiard ball, the Earth would actually be smoother (it would have less variation between high and low points on its surface)

If the Earth were the size of a billiard ball, the Earth would actually be smoother (it would have less variation between high and low points on its surface)

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Human sweat is actually odorless. But bacteria eat it and the waste products are what smells

Human sweat is actually odorless. But bacteria eat it and the waste products are what smells

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Your lungs have the same surface area as a tennis court

Your lungs have the same surface area as tennis court

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


There is no way to scientifically prove we are not part of a computer simulation

There is no way to scientifically prove we are not part of a computer simulation

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The human body puts out more heat per unit volume than the Sun

The human body put out more heat per unit volume than the Sun

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Not a single one of your ancestors died prior to successfully producing offspring

Not a single one of your ancestors died prior to successfully producing offspring

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Human stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve zinc

Human stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve zinc

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


There are fire tornadoes on the sun that are bigger than Earth itself

There are fire tornadoes on the sun that are bigger than Earth itself

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


You never really "touch" anything. Your atoms simply repel the atoms of other object (all of which are mostly empty space)

You never really

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Your brain consists mostly of water and fat

Your brain consists mostly of water and fat

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Water only conducts electricity because of its impurities. Perfectly pure water would not conduct electricity

Water only conducts electricity because of its impurities. Perfectly pure water would conduct electricity

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Out of the 4 basic forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear) gravity is the weakest, the easiest to observe, and the least understood

Out of the 4 basic forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear) gravity is the weakest, the easiest to observe, and the least understood

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

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