[Amazing] 25 Of The Most Curious Epitaphs Ever Made
Inscribed on a tombstone or plaque, an epitaph is usually a short text describing and honoring a deceased person. It’s hard imagining something so macabre being funny in any way form or fashion, but some people’s humor is not bound by death. While most epitaphs are brief records of the family, and perhaps the career and the most important achievements of the deceased, often with an expression of love or respect, some curious epitaphs are much more creative and lighthearted than that.
As you will see in this post, some people actually approach their epitaphs as a great opportunity to amuse their families and other people who will pass by their tombstones. Thanks to these unusual epitaphs, cemeteries do not have to be sad, gloomy places where people go to mourn and cry. In fact, creative epitaphs can turn a cemetery into an unexpectedly funny place. Check out 25 Of The Most Curious Epitaphs Ever Made. From famous actors, singers and film directors to ordinary unknown guys who just had a great sense of humor, people resting under these epitaphs decided to give us one last laugh and we thank them for it.