[Interesting] Blocked Energy Flow Of Money? Here's A Simple MUDRA To Attract Wealth!
Many people today are faced with financial difficulties, although they work hard, try hard, but constantly are missing money. Sounds familiar? Maybe the whole thing is in the energy sector.
It happens that the flow, where energy of money flows is unstable, and periodically blocked.
For stabilization of the flow is recommended a special mudra, which has information, religious gestures and postures in itself.
In Buddhism and Hinduism has been used for centuries, and now, also, enjoys great popularity. The effect is truly incredible!
We suggest that you consider and use a mudra, which adjusts energy of the monetary growth.
This mudra ensures regular flow of energy and material well-being. But that does not mean that on you will suddenly fall abundance from the sky. Revenues will arrive evenly, as much as you need. Not more, not less, but enough to feel the prosperity and well-being. Money will always be enough.
How to do the Mudra?
- Put your hands in front of you, palms faced up. Unite the palms, connect the small fingers.
- Put together the thumb, index and middle fingers on both hands.
- Close your eyes. Relax and watch the way you’re breathing: inhale and exhalation deeply.
- Concentrate, and think that on a point between the eyebrows is accumulated energy.
- Sail into the safety of non-exhaustion of this energy source.
- Do this ritual twice a day for 2-3 minutes. Optimal time for doing is morning and evening.
- The wise mudra suit anyone who wants to improve their financial situation.
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