[Amazing] 25 Facts About Sharks: Terrors Of The Ocean
Though often thought of as our biggest sea-dwelling predator, how much do you really know about sharks? Do you know that you’re more likely to get bitten by another person (ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends excluded) than by a shark? Or that there have been less unprovoked shark bites since the 1500’s than text messages you send each month? How about that all sharks aren’t just grey but come in most colors of the rainbow – like pink and yellow? Sharks are fascinating creatures and crucial in keeping an ecosystem balanced. Without these expert predators (well, not all are expert predators – some seem as lost as us on a Monday morning), oceanic ecosystems would be so upset we could likely kiss goodbye to our favorite fish and crustaceans. In this list, we bring out some lesser-known facts about sharks such as: why baby sharks eat their siblings in the womb and what the weirdest things sharks have ever eaten are. (Would you guess a polar bear?) Since the great white shark is way over-popularized, we focus more facts about the host of other shark species patrolling our oceans. Sink your teeth into this list of 25 Facts About Sharks: Terrors Of The Ocean.