[Amazing] 25 Interesting Insights Into The World Of Computers And Computing
Computers have drastically changed the way we function (one of the many insights into the world of computers). From the moment we wake up, our days are dependent on the functions computers offer. We no longer open the morning paper, we just open a web page. We don’t check the mailbox, we check our email. We don’t even check our voicemail, we just have it downloaded straight into our brains. Okay, before we continue, we should probably stop to point out that we lied about the last one. Although the US military is almost certainly experimenting with such technology, it is not a “thing” yet. Technology moves fast but not that fast. Relax. Checking voicemail is still semi-cool.
At any rate, the point is that technology is changing. As we speak, we’re programming computers that are going to program other computers. That’s right. Self programming computers. Sounds scary right? What if they become self-aware? Well, they might soon enough. But before that happens, we want you to be able to defend yourself. And that is why we are going to review some basic computer knowledge. It will make it easier to find the computer’s weak spot if it ever decides to attack you. Alright, enough of the joke, these are 25 interesting insights into the world of computers and computing!
Featured Image: pixabay