[Amazing] 25 Little Known Facts About Money And Currency

Money has been around ever since people began to trade things with one another. At first it was sea shells, stones, or other little trinkets. Eventually it turned into various types of metals such as gold. Over time that gold became coins and paper money. While the history of currency is extremely interesting, that is not the sole topic of today’s list. We are going to have a look at some extremely intriguing facts about money. For example, did you know that one penny costs 2.4 pennies to produce? Or did you know that North Korea is the top counterfeiter of United States currency? Actually, on the topic of counterfeit currency, one of the ways to spot a counterfeit bill is to look for something that is too good. That’s right, the authorities often identify counterfeit bills as a result of their perfection. When we speak of currency though, we’re not just talking about bank notes. We are also talking about newer forms of payment like credit cards and virtual currency. In this list we are going to go over all of it. So, get ready because these are 25 little known facts about money and currency!


90% of US dollars carry traces of cocaine

90% of US dollar . carry traces of cocaine

Source: cnn.com, Image: wikipedia


If you thought carrying traces of cocaine was bad, the Southern Medical Journal found traces of fecal matter on 94% of dollar bills tested

If you thought carrying traces of cocaine was bad, the Southern Medical Journal found traces of fecal matter on 94% of dollar bills tested

Source: Southern Medical Journal, Image: wikipedia


All the US coins and dollar bills in circulation today are worth about $1.2 trillion

All the US coins and dollar bills in circulation today are worth about $1.2 trillion

Source: federalreserve.gov, Image: wikipedia


66% of all US cash is held overseas by foreign governments and individuals

66% of all US cash is held overseas by foreign governments and individuals

Source: discovermagazine.com, Image: wikipedia


1,400 years ago China created the first paper money

1,400 years ago China created the first paper money

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Switching US 1 dollar bills from paper to coins would save the government nearly $4.5 billion over the next 30 years

Switching US 1 dollar bills from paper to coins would save the government nearly $4.5 billion over the next 30 years

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Every year, more monopoly money is printed than real money

Every year, more monopoly money is printed than real money

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Moving past simple bank notes, throughout the world US wealth accounts for $75 trillion. If this were to be evenly distributed among every person on Earth, we would all have $11,000

Moving past simple bank notes, throughout the world US wealth accounts for $75 trillion

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


North Korea is the largest counterfeiter of US currency

north korea

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


If you have $10 in your wallet and no debt then you are wealthier than one quarter of Americans

If you have $10 in your wallet and no debt then you are wealthier than one quarter of Americans

Source: forbes.com, Image: wikipedia


If Bill Gates spent $1 million every day, it would take him 218 years to spend all of his money

If Bill Gates spent $1 million every day, it would take him 218 years to spend all of his money

Source: businessinsider.com, Image: wikipedia

You’ve probably never seen money in this form before? Check out these 25 extremely cool examples of money origami.


Until World War II, tea bricks were used as currency in Siberia and Asia

Until World War II, tea bricks were used as currency in Siberia and Asia

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Seashells used to be a fairly common form of currency in many parts of the world

Seashells used to be a fairly common form of currency in many parts of the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


More than 34% of an American's take-home income is spent on interest (credit cards, loans, etc)

More than 34% of an American's take-home income is spent on interest (credit cards, loans, etc)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The flu virus can remain infectious on a dollar bill for up to two weeks

The flu virus can remain infectious on a dollar bill for up to two weeks

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Studies have found that arguing about money is the top predictor of divorce

Studies have found that arguing about money is the top predictor of divorce

Source: k-state.edu, Image: wikipedia


The first credit card that could be used at multiple establishments was invented by Frank McNamara because he forgot his wallet when he was out to dinner with friends

The first credit card that could be used at multiple establishments was invented by Frank McNamara because he forgot his wallet when he was out to dinner with friends

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Nearly 50% of Americans report that they are unable to pay a $400 emergency expense without borrowing

Nearly 50% of Americans report that they are unable to pay a $400 emergency expense without borrowing

Source: wsj.com, Image: wikipedia


US paper money isn't really paper. It's cloth.

US paper money isn't really paper. It's cloth.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In fact, 200 years ago people repaired torn bills with a needle and thread.

In fact, 200 years ago people repaired torn bills with a needle and thread.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Bob Marley's last words were "money can't buy life"

Bob Marley's last words were

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Counterfeit dollars can actually be too good. In fact, fake bills are quite often detected because they look too real.

Counterfeit dollars can actually be too good. In fact, fake bills are quite often detected because they look too real.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The first pennies were 100% copper

The first pennies were 100% copper

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Today, they are 95% zinc

Today, they are 95% zinc

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


But one penny still costs 2.4 cents to manufacture

But one penny still costs 2.4 cents to manufacture

Source: cnn.com, Image: wikipedia

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