[Amazing] 25 Little Known Things About Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time isn’t one of those things that you think too often about. It just sort of happens twice a year. Well, not always. And that is why we have this list! It is to fill you in on some secrets about daylight savings time that you may not have known. Well, they aren’t really secrets but they are certainly interesting! To start with, did you know that not every country observes daylight savings time? Well, to bring it closer to home (most of you probably live in the United States), there are some states that don’t observe daylight savings time! Neither Arizona nor Hawaii turn their clocks back. Why? Because federal law never required states to do so. It only outlined and specified how and when they should change their clocks if they should choose to do that. As we said before, there are also many countries that don’t observe daylight savings time. Usually these countries are near the equator, which makes sense because they don’t really have a need to conserve daylight. Going a little further back, did you know that daylight savings time was initially implemented during the World Wars to save energy? These are 25 little known things about daylight savings time!

Featured Image: pexels


Daylight Savings Time was extend to end after Halloween not to save energy, but because candy companies wanted trick or treating to last longer.

Daylight Savings Time was extend to end after Halloween not to save energy, but because candy companies wanted trick or treating to last longer

Source: npr.org, Image: wikipedia


In 2007, the US government voted to lengthen daylight savings time by one month to reduce the consumption of energy

In 2007, the US government voted to lengthen daylight savings time by one month to reduce the consumption of energy

Source: nist.gov, Image: wikipedia


Because of Daylight Savings, in 2012 the same Ohio man was arrested twice on the same day at exactly the same time (one hour later)

Because of Daylight Savings, in 2012 the same Ohio man was arrested twice on the same day at exactly the same time on

Source: huffingtonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


The first Daylight Savings Time in the US was called "War Time" (Eastern War Time, Central War Time, etc)

The first Daylight Savings Time in the US was called

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


After the surrender of Japan in 1945, the time zones were renamed "Peace Time"

After the surrender of Japan in 1945, the time zones were renamed

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Since Daylight Savings Time starts at 2 am, most bars that have mandated closing times have to close at 1:59 am

Since Daylight Savings Time starts at 2 am, most bars that have mandated closing times have to close at 1:59 am

Source: lifeslittlemysteries.com, Image: wikipedia


Im 2008, a study found that suicide and heart attack rates increase after the time moves forwards in Spring

Im 2008, a study found that suicide and heart attack rates increase after the time moves forwards in Spring

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Daylight Savings Time doesn't actually save any electricity

Daylight Savings Time doesn't actually save any electricity

Source: scientificamerican.com, Image: wikipedia


India Standard Time is UTC +5:30 because there is no hour line splitting the country and the nation doesn't follow daylight savings

India Standard Time is UTC +5:30 because there is no hour line splitting the country and the nation doesn't follow daylight savings

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Actually, only 1/3 of the world observes daylight savings time

Actually, only 1/3 of the world observes daylight savings time

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although Stalin adopted daylight savings time for the Soviet Union in 1930, he forgot to fall back and the nation stayed in daylight savings time for the next 60 years.

Although Stalin adopted daylight savings time for the Soviet Union in 1930, he forgot to fall back and the nation stayed in daylight savings time for the next 60 years.

Source: deseretnews.com, Image: wikipedia


There are two states in the US that don't observe daylight savings time - Arizona and Hawaii

There are two states in the US that don't observe daylight savings time - Arizona and Hawaii

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne follow daylight savings but Perth doesn't

The Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne follow daylight savings but Perth doesn't

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Due to a rivalry between Minneapolis and St Paul, the cities couldn't agree on a daylight savings calendar. This led to the metropolis having different times for a good portion of the year.

Due to a rivalry between Minneapolis and St Paul, the cities couldn't agree on a daylight savings calendar. This led to the metropolis having different times for a good portion of the year

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Daylight savings time costs the US billions of dollars every year in disruptions to airlines, TV, and the stock market.

Daylight savings time costs the US billions of dollars every year in disruptions to airlines, TV, and the stock market

Source: ajc.com, Image: wikipedia


Although Benjamin Franklin did in fact propose daylight savings time, he only meant it to be a joke

Although Benjamin Franklin did in fact propose daylight savings time, he only meant it to be a joke

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The original intent of daylight savings time was to cut back on the consumption of coal during World War I

The original intent of daylight savings time was to cut back on the consumption of coal during World War I

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In the 1980s, both Idaho senators voted to extend daylight savings time because they thought fast food restaurants would sell more fries and those fries are made form Idaho potatoes!

In the 1980s, both Idaho senators voted to extend daylight savings time because they thought fast food restaurants would sell more fries. And those fries are made form Idaho potatoes

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


As we said, Arizona doesn't have daylight savings time, but the Navajo Nation inside of Arizona does.

As we said, Arizona doesn't have daylight savings time, but the Navajo Nation inside of Arizona does

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


To complicate things further, the Hopi Nation inside of the Navajo Nation doesn't follow daylight savings time.

To complicate things further, the Hopi Nation inside of the Navajo Nation doesn't follow daylight savings time

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1999, three terrorists forgot to account for daylight savings time while setting the timers on their bombs. They bombs exploded one hour early and killed all three of them.

In 1999, three terrorists forgot to account for daylight savings time while setting the timers on their bombs. They bombs exploded one hour early and killed all three of them

Source: darwinawards.com, Image: wikipedia


During the World Wars, the Allies switched to permanent daylight savings time in the hopes that it would conserve resources for the war effort.

During the World Wars, the Allies switched to permanent daylight savings time in the hopes that it would conserve resources for the war effort

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In Japan, daylight savings time was implemented following the war by the US led occupation. In 1952 it was abandoned due to protests by farmers.

In Japan, daylight savings time was implemented following the war by the US led occupation. In 1952 it was abandoned due to protests by farmers

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Countries near the equator don't normally observe daylight savings time

Countries near the equator don't normally observe daylight savings time

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The reason that Arizona and Hawaii don't need to follow daylight savings time is because while the federal law established it, the law didn't mention that any particular region had to follow it. If a state does choose to follow it, however, the state must go according to the federal guidelines.

The reason that Arizona and Hawaii don't need to follow daylight savings time is because while the federal law established it, the law didn't mention that any particular region had to follow it. If a state does choose to follow it, however, the state must go according to the federal guidelines

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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