[Amazing] 25 Strange Habits, Customs, And Behaviors That Society Accepts As Normal
There are some things that we all know are a bit weird but for a myriad of reasons nobody wants to say anything about them. And although this could get really political, it doesn’t even have to. You know what we’re talking about. Take retirement homes for example. In the western world it is perfectly acceptable to put your parents in a home and never visit them. Now don’t get us wrong. We know that many people don’t do this. But this list isn’t about what most people do. In fact, most people might not do it. What this list is pointing out, however, is that regardless of how many people do it, it is still not considered an unacceptable behavior. It is either normal, or not abnormal (so somewhere in the middle). And we’re not trying to pick fights with people. These behaviors will vary from country to country. We’ll do our best to mention where they are most prevalent, but take note that there are exceptions to every rule. Furthermore, many of these items are very tongue-in-cheek. They are jokes, meant to entertain. Don’t take them too seriously. These are 25 strange habits, customs, and behaviors that society accepts as normal.
Featured Image: The People Speak! via Flickr