[Amazing] 25 Things You Didn’t Know About The Mobile Phone

We use mobile phones everyday. Well, most people do. In fact, it’s probably hard to imagine a time before mobile phones. Why is that? It’s because they’ve become such an integral part of our daily life that the very ways in which we do business and carry out our activities has changed. Thanks to the mobile revolution there are now more phones in India than there are toilets. Is this a bad thing or a good thing? Well, both. But the fact remains that more and more people are getting connected to the internet and the mobile phone plays a huge role in that.

There is no end to the amount of digitization that our world can undergo. In fact, most of our jobs could probably be replaced by high functioning artificial intelligence at some point. Until that point though, we’re going to be stuck with our measly little smart phones. And yes, we are using the term “measly” very facetiously. That computer in your pocket is more powerful than the computer that took us to the moon. That is saying a lot. That means that using just your iphone, you could actually fly all the way to the moon and back (assuming you had rocket boosters, oxygen tanks, and radiation-resistant shielding). These are 25 things you didn’t know about the mobile phone in your hand.


Your smart phone has more computing power than the computer that put astronauts on the moon

Your smart phone is more powerful than the computer that put astronauts on the moon

Source: nasa.gov, Image: pixabay


On average, cell phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.

On average, cell phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.

Source: nytimes, Image: wikipedia


Scientists have figured out how to charge phones using urine (Bristol Robotics Laboratory)

Scientists have figured out how to charge phones using urine (Bristol Robotics Laboratory)

Source: bbc, Image: pixabay


Nomophobia is the fear of not having your cell phone

Nomophobia is the fear of not having your cell phone

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


In 2012 iPhone sales (over $22 billion) were worth more than all Microsoft products combined (over $17 billion)

In 2012 iPhone sales (over $22 billion) were worth more than all Microsoft products combined (over $17 billion)

Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


In Britain, nearly 100,000 cell phones are dropped down toilets every year

In Britain, nearly 100,000 cell phones are dropped down toilets every year

Source: 1,227 Quite Interesting Facts to Blow Your Socks Off by John Lloyd, Image: SuSanA Secretariat via Flickr


Most internet users in China access the internet via mobile phones. Not Pc's.

Most internet users in China don't have PCs. They have mobile phones

Source: thenextweb.com, Image: pixabay


If it is fully charged once per day, the iPhone consumes 25 cents of electricity annually

If it is fully charged once per day, the iPhone consumes 25 cents of electricity annually

Source: forbes.com, Image: pixabay


Smartphone technology is based on more than 250,000 individual patents

Smartphone technology is based on more than 250,000 individual patents

Source: nytimes, Image: thebluediamondgallery.com


An average person unlocks their smart phone 110 times every day

An average person unlocks their smart phone 110 times every day

Source: time.com, Image: pixabay


In Finland, mobile phone throwing is an actual sport

In Finland, mobile phone throwing is an actual sport

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The first cell phones sold in the US in 1983 cost $4,000

The first cell phones sold in the US in 1983 cost $4,000

Source: wikipedia


In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 iPhones every single day

In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 iPhones every single day

Source: forbes, Image: pixabay


In Japan, the vast majority of cell phones are waterproof because people are accustomed to using them even in the shower

In Japan, the vast majority of cell phones are waterproof because people are accustomed to using them even in the shower

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Martin Cooper, a former inventor for Motorola, made the first cell phone call in 1973

Martin Cooper, a former inventor for Motorola, made the first cell phone call in 1973

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


More than 250,000 million Nokia 1100 phones were sold. That made the Nokia brick the best selling electrical device in history

More than 250,000 million Nokia 1100 phones were sold. That made the Nokia brick the best selling electrical device in history

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


There is no evidence that radiation from cell phones is harmful

There is no evidence that radiation from cell phones is harmful

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


There are more people on Earth with mobile phones than with toilets

There are more people on Earth with mobile phones than with toilets

Source: forbes, Image: pixabay


Facebook and Youtube account for over 30% of the data sent to and from mobile devices

Facebook and Youtube account for over 30% of the data sent to and from mobile devices

Source: mashable.com, Image: pixabay


65% of smart phone users don't download any apps

65% of smart phone users don't download any apps

Source: qz.com, Image: pixabay


99% of mobile malware is targeted at Android phones

99% of mobile malware is targeted at Android phones

Source: dailydot.com, Image: pixabay


47% of smartphone users in the US say they couldn't live without their phone

47% of smartphone users in the US say they couldn't live without their phone

Source: pewresearch.org, Image: pixabay


The mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry on Earth

The mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry on Earth

Source: ibtimes, Image: pixabay


Sonim XP3300 Force is the toughest phone in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It fell from 84 feet and wasn't damaged

Sonim XP3300 Force is the toughest phone in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It fell from 84 feet and wasn't damaged

Source: Guinness Book of World Records, Image: pixabay


70% of mobile phones are manufactured in China

70% of mobile phones are manufactured in China

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

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