[Amazing] 25 Unbelievable Trivia About Dinosaurs And The World They Lived In
Dinosaurs were one of those things you used to think were the coolest thing ever, possibly second only to Power Rangers, but that’s neither here nor there. Dinosaurs were an important part of your childhood. Whether that childhood involved playing with figurines or watching Jurassic Park over and over, you were surely obsessed with them. Even if you weren’t obsessed, you definitely must have thought they were at least a little cool. Even just a teeny weeny bit is enough to get sucked into these 25 unbelievable trivia about dinosaurs and the world they lived in.
But even if you never gave them much thought, we are here today to change your mind! By the time you are done with this list you will surely have learned something about those prehistoric beasts that once roamed this planet and were then wiped out by a massive meteor…or was it a plaque? There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about dinosaurs out there. For one, most of those dinosaurs that you see in Jurassic Park didn’t actually live in the Jurassic period! To really blow your mind…the T-Rex lived at a time period closer to us than to the Stegosaurus! These are 25 unbelievable trivia about dinosaurs and the world they lived in!