[Amazing] 25 Unbelievable Trivia About Dinosaurs And The World They Lived In

Dinosaurs were one of those things you used to think were the coolest thing ever, possibly second only to Power Rangers, but that’s neither here nor there. Dinosaurs were an important part of your childhood. Whether that childhood involved playing with figurines or watching Jurassic Park over and over, you were surely obsessed with them. Even if you weren’t obsessed, you definitely must have thought they were at least a little cool. Even just a teeny weeny bit is enough to get sucked into these 25 unbelievable trivia about dinosaurs and the world they lived in.

But even if you never gave them much thought, we are here today to change your mind! By the time you are done with this list you will surely have learned something about those prehistoric beasts that once roamed this planet and were then wiped out by a massive meteor…or was it a plaque? There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about dinosaurs out there. For one, most of those dinosaurs that you see in Jurassic Park didn’t actually live in the Jurassic period! To really blow your mind…the T-Rex lived at a time period closer to us than to the Stegosaurus! These are 25 unbelievable trivia about dinosaurs and the world they lived in!


The smallest dinosaurs were the size of chickens and they ate insects (Albertonykus borealis)

The smallest dinosaurs were the size of chickens and they ate insects (Albertonykus borealis)

Source: dailymail.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


If Earth's history was a shortened to one single day, life would have appeared at 4am, land plants at about 10:30pm, dinosaurs would go extinct at about 11:40pm, and humans would appear at roughly 1 minute before midnight

If Earth's history was a shortened to one single day, life would have appeared at 4am, land plants at about 10:30pm, dinosaurs would go extinct at about 11:40pm, and humans would appear at roughly 1 minute before midnight

Source: huffingtonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


Most of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park lived during the Cretaceous period (not the Jurassic)

Most of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park lived during the Cretaceous period (not the Jurassic)

Source: theguardian.com


The word "dinosaur" comes from old Greek and means "terrible lizard"

The word

Source: paleobiology.si.edu, Image: pixabay


Nobody knows how long dinosaurs lived. According to scientists, some species may have lived for up to 200 years!

Nobody knows how long dinosaurs lived. According to scientists, some species may have lived for up to 200 years!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The largest dinosaur skulls were as long as a car

The largest dinosaur skulls were as long as a car

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most dinosaur species are known from just a single bone or tooth

Most dinosaur species are known from just a single bone or tooth

Source: scholastic.com, Image: wikipedia


In spite of the common belief that all dinosaurs were massive, most were actually no bigger than humans. Scientists just think that the bigger bones fossilized more easily

In spite of the common belief that all dinosaurs were massive, most were actually no bigger than humans. Scientists just think that the bigger bones fossilized more easily

Source: bbc, Image: wikipedia


All dinosaurs species laid eggs

All dinosaurs species laid eggs

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


One of the earliest known dinosaurs is the Eoroptor, which means "dawn stealer". It was named this because it lived at the dawn of the dinosaur age

One of the earliest known dinosaurs is the Eoroptor, which means

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although there are many explanation for the mass extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, there is no unanimous conclusion among scientists as to what actually happened

Although there are many explanation for the mass extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, there is no unanimous conclusion among scientists as to what actually happened

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Born in 1799, Mary Anning was a prodigious fossil hunter but was never taken serious because she was a woman

Born in 1799, Mary Anning was a prodigious fossil hunter but was never taken serious because she was a woman

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most meat eating dinosaurs walked on two feet while most plant eaters walked on all fours.

Most meat eating dinosaurs walked on two feet while most plant eaters walked on all fours.

Source: nytimes, Image: pixabay


The largest dinosaur eggs were as big as basketballs

The largest dinosaur eggs were as big as basketballs

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most dinosaurs were vegetarian and the biggest ones had to eat up to 1 ton of food every single day. That is about the equivalent of a school bus!

Most dinosaurs were vegetarian and the biggest ones had to eat up to 1 ton of food every single day. That is about the equivalent of a school bus!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although they are always seen together in movies, the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus didn't live at the same time. By the time the Tyrannosaurus appeared, the Stegosaurus had been extinct for 80 million years. The crazy thing is that the time between us right now and the Tyrannosaurus is shorter than that!

Although they are always seen together in movies, the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus didn't live at the same time. By the time the Tyrannosaurus appeared, the Stegosaurus had been extinct for 80 million years. The crazy thing is that the time between us right now and the Tyrannosaurus is shorter than that!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The first potential dinosaur bones were found in China nearly 4,000 years ago. At that time, however, people thought the bones belonged to dragons

The first potential dinosaur bones were found in China nearly 4,000 years ago. At that time, however, people thought the bones belonged to dragons

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

That’s not even the weirdest thing found in China.


The biggest animal in history was not a dinosaur. In fact, it is alive today...the blue whale!

The biggest animal in history was not a dinosaur. In fact, it is alive today...the blue whale!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The smartest dinosaurs (brain to body size ratio) were most likely small meat eaters

Scientists are not sure what color skin dinosaurs had (some may have been very colorful). Most likely, however, the dinosaurs were green or brown to help them camouflage better

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Scientists are not sure what color skin dinosaurs had (some may have been very colorful). Most likely, however, the dinosaurs were green or brown to help them camouflage better

Scientists are not sure what color skin dinosaurs had (some may have been very colorful). Most likely, however, the dinosaurs were green or brown to help them camouflage better

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Dinosaurs would swallow large rocks that stayed in their stomachs and helped them digest their food

Dinosaurs would swallow large rocks that stayed in their stomachs and helped them digest their food

Source: wikipedia, Image: freestockphotos.biz


Although many dinosaurs were quite fast, a cheetah would be capable of outrunning any dinosaur that ever existed.

Although many dinosaurs were quite fast, a cheetah would be capable of outrunning any dinosaur that ever existed.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Scientists are not sure why the Stegosaurus had so many large plates along its backbone. One commonly accepted theory is that it could control its temperature by regulating the blood flow through them

Scientists are not sure why the Stegosaurus had so many large plates along its backbone. One commonly accepted theory is that it could control its temperature by regulating the blood flow through them

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Dinosaur "highways" where dinosaurs migrated can still be seen today


Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Dinosaurs aren't actually extinct. Only the big ones died out and the remaining dinosaurs basically continued to evolve into the birds you see all around you. In fact, birds are more closely related to some dinosaur species than the dinosaur species were related to each other!

Dinosaurs aren't actually extinct. Only the big ones died out and the remaining dinosaurs basically continued to evolve into the birds you see all around you. In fact, birds are more closely related to some dinosaur species than the dinosaur species were related to each other!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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