[Amazing] 25 Wacky Green Items That Will Keep You From Getting Pinched This St. Patrick’s Day
Did you know that if you’re not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day, you could very well get pinched? It’s tradition! Most people avoid this odd (and sometimes painful) experience by wearing something…anything, that is green-a perfect opportunity to show off some creativity with wacky green items.
Celebrated on March 17, on the traditional death date of Ireland´s patron St. Patrick, St. Patrick´s Day has become a popular holiday in many parts of the world. According to an old legend, those who do not wear green on that day (as green is the national color of Ireland), will get pinched. The tradition of wearing green clothing or accessories on St. Patrick´s Day has been preserved until now but the variety of green items that can actually keep you from getting pinched on the day has expanded greatly compared to what people used to wear and have in the past. From green wigs and hair bows to watches and tablets, check out these 25 Wacky Green Items That Will Keep You From Getting Pinched This St. Patrick’s Day.