[Amazing] 25 Ways That Your Body Is Weirder Than You Think

Although you’re going to spend your whole life in your body, there are probably numerous things you don’t know about it. That sounds kind of weird right? It’s your own body for crying out loud! But it’s true. In some ways your body is a great mystery. A paradox even. It is the most fragile thing we know but at the same time it is also the toughest. People have died just slipping and falling on a toy while others have survived falls from over 10 kilometers (just do some googling!). It’s just one of the many ways your body is weirder than you think.

So how can this be? As a doctor once said, “sometimes one shot will kill you, and sometimes 20 won’t”. You just never know. But it’s not just in its “toughness” that your body is so paradoxical. It’s actually quite a masterpiece. Your brain is more powerful than any supercomputer in existence. And the complexity of just one of your eyeballs outdoes even the greatest feats of engineering known to man (which were ironically conceived by the human brain). Either way, your body is an incredible feat of engineering. You should be proud of it! Or at least take care of it. These are 25 ways that your body is weirder than you think!


Babies have about 60 more bones than adults do

Babies have about 60 more bones than adults do

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


There is enough iron in your body to make a nail that is almost 8 centimeters long

There is enough iron in your body to make a nail that is almost 8 centimeters long

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


There are tiny mites living in your eyelashes

There are tiny mites living in your eyelashes

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Your sweat doesn't actually smell bad. It's tiny bacteria on your skin that metabolize it and produce the bad smell

Your sweat doesn't actually smell bad. It's tiny bacteria on your skin that metabolize it and produce the bad smell

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


A report before the Eighth Congress of the Association of European Psychiatrists found that men who had more hair (not necessarily on their head) were also potentially more intelligent

A report before the Eighth Congress of the Association of European Psychiatrists found that men who had more hair (not necessarily on their head) were also potentially more intelligent

Source: bbc, Image: wikipedia


Your ears and your nose never stop growing

Your ears and your nose never stop growing

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


You have a unique tongue print

You have a unique tongue print

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Put together, the bacteria in an average adult body would weigh about 4 pounds

Put together, the bacteria in an average adult body would weigh about 4 pounds

Source: huffingtonpost, Image: pixabay


Your heartbeat actually changes according to the type of music you are listening to

Your heartbeat actually changes according to the type of music you are listening to

Source: buzzfeed, Image: pixabay


20% of the blood and oxygen in your body is used up by your brain

20% of the blood and oxygen in your body is used up by your brain

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In spite of being stronger than steel (ounce for ounce), your bones are about 30% water

In spite of being stronger than steel (ounce for ounce), your bones are about 30% water

Source: wikipedia, Image: youtube

If you enjoyed these weird body facts, you may also enjoy these 25 Amazing Facts About The Human Body You May Not Be Aware Of.


Your heart generates enough energy in one day to drive a truck more than 30 kilometers.

Your heart generates enough energy in one day to drive a truck more than 30 kilometers.

Source: buzzfeed, Image: wikipedia


If you uncurled all the DNA in your body it would stretch to the edge of the solar system and back.

If you uncurled all the DNA in your body it would stretch to the edge of the solar system and back.

Source: livescience, Image: wikipedia


A majority of the dust in your house is actually dead skin

A majority of the dust in your house is actually dead skin

Source: dailymail, Image: wikipedia


Your gastrointestinal tract is a just a 9 meter long tube that runs from your mouth all the way to your rectum

Your gastrointestinal tract is a just a 9 meter long tube that runs from your mouth all the way to your rectum

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Taking one step requires up to 200 muscles

Taking one step requires up to 200 muscles

Source: theguardian.com, Image: pixabay


If you broke your body down into chemicals and sold them, you would get about 160 USD

If you broke your body down into chemicals and sold them, you would get about 160 USD

Source: telegraph.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


The highest recorded temperature in a human body (due to fever) was 46.5 degrees Celsius (115.7 F)

The highest recorded temperature in a human body (due to fever) was 46.5 degrees Celsius (115.7 F)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


About 50% of your genes are dedicated to describing your brain (about 2% of your body). The other 50% are devoted to the rest of your body.

About 50% of your genes are dedicated to describing your brain (about 2% of your body). The other 50% are devoted to the rest of your body.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days

Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days

Source: huffingtonpost, Image: wikipedia


If your stomach acid got onto your skin, it would burn a hole right through it. Mad props to your stomach and its super resilient wall.

If your stomach acid got onto your skin, it would burn a hole right through it. Mad props to your stomach and its super resilient wall.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Situs inversus is a congenital condition in which your major organs are reversed from their normal positions

Situs inversus is a congenital condition in which your major organs are reversed from their normal positions

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


If you lost your pinky finger, you would lose about half of your grip strength

If you lost your pinky finger, you would lose about half of your grip strength

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


You could potentially lose your stomach, spleen, 80% of your liver and intestines, one kidney, one lung, and almost every organ in your pelvic region but still survive.

You could potentially lose your stomach, spleen, 80% of your liver and intestines, one kidney, one lung, and almost every organ in your pelvic region but still survive.

Source: huffingtonpost, Image: wikipedia


Although your brain interprets pain from the rest of your body, it does not actually feel pain by itself. This is why open brain surgery can be performed while the person the person is awake (typically with local anesthesia)

Although your brain interprets pain from the rest of your body, it does not actually feel pain by itself. This is why open brain surgery can be performed while the person the person is awake (typically with local anesthesia)

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

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