[Healthy Advice] Grapefruit & Boiled Egg Diet
Weight-loss diets like the grapefruit and boiled egg diet can help you lose weight fast, but you may struggle to keep it off. Although some research shows that grapefruit may be beneficial when you’re trying to lose those unwanted pounds, eating only grapefruit and boiled eggs may be difficult as a long-term solution to your weight issues. Like any fad diet, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss plan.
Grapefruit and Boiled Egg Diet Details
As you might guess by its name, the grapefruit and boiled egg diet primarily consists of grapefruit and boiled eggs. You’re also allowed an occasional piece of dry toast on the diet plan, plus all the black coffee you can drink. In some versions of the diet, you may also be allowed to eat other sources of protein, such as chicken or fish, a salad or a red or green vegetable and a cup of milk.
How You Lose
In essence, the grapefruit and boiled egg diet is a very low-calorie diet. According to Juliette Kellow, dietitian for Weight Loss Resources, the diet provides no more than 800 calories a day. Limiting your intake to so few calories will help most people lose weight. However, when you lose weight quickly, you’re most likely losing water and muscle and not fat.
However, when following a weight-loss diet, it is generally recommended that you not eat less than 1,000 calories a day unless under the direction of a physician, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Also, when you limit your calorie intake as well as your food options, you might miss out on vital nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
Grapefruit and Weight Loss
While you’re most likely losing weight on the grapefruit and boiled egg diet because of its low-caloric content, there is some truth behind the claims that grapefruit may be helpful in your weight-loss efforts. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food investigated the effects of grapefruit, grapefruit juice and a grapefruit supplement on weight loss in a group of obese individuals. The researchers found that the participants who consumed a half-grapefruit every day over the 12-week study period lost the most weight, a little more than 3 pounds. Based on this evidence, the researchers suggest that grapefruit may make a beneficial addition to a weight-loss program.
Boiled Eggs, Weight Loss and Health
Boiled eggs may also assist in the weight loss process through its effects on hunger and metabolism. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, with 6 grams in one large boiled egg. According to a 2008 review article published in The American Society for Clinical Nutrition, protein foods are more satiating than fat or carbohydrate-containing foods. Additionally, protein foods may give your metabolism a boost and also preserve your muscle mass.
Boiled eggs are a source of cholesterol. Cholesterol in food does not have as much of an impact on your body’s cholesterol levels as previously believed. However, if you have a history of high cholesterol, you should check with your doctor before upping your daily egg intake.
Grapefruit, Boiled Eggs and a Healthy Diet
You don’t have to limit yourself to an 800-calorie grapefruit and boiled egg diet to get all the goodness these whole foods have to offer in your battle of the bulge. Instead of limiting yourself to so few foods, include grapefruit and boiled eggs as part of a healthy low-calorie weight-loss diet. Grapefruit makes a sweet ending to any meal or as a snack in between. Boiled eggs not only make a good protein choice at breakfast, but they can be eaten at lunch, dinner or even as a snack.
By Jill Corleone, Livestrong