[Amazing] 25 Amazing Facts About Colors That You Never Saw Coming
To get it out of the way, yes, we know that we spelled color without the “u”. To keep things balanced, we’re giving a shoutout to all the Commonwealth English countries here. You guys are doing great, we like your work, and we acknowledge your spelling of “colour”. Having said that, did you know that there is actually an entire science that revolves around color? It’s called colorimetry, or chromatics. Or even just color science for the average folk. This field deals with everything from color theory in art to the physics of electromagnetic radiation and how our eyes actually work. Okay, enough of the technical talk. Are you ready for a taste of some crazy? The average person can see roughly one million colors. But…there is a condition affecting some women that allows them to see nearly 100 million colors. That’s right. They see 100 times more color than the average person. So next time your wife argues with you about the color of your shoes, you know why. And another little tidbit – did you know that night vision is usually green because our eyes can distinguish more shades of green than any other color? These are 25 amazing facts about colors that you never saw coming!
Featured Image: wikipedia