[Amazing] 25 Amazing Facts About Colors That You Never Saw Coming

To get it out of the way, yes, we know that we spelled color without the “u”. To keep things balanced, we’re giving a shoutout to all the Commonwealth English countries here. You guys are doing great, we like your work, and we acknowledge your spelling of “colour”. Having said that, did you know that there is actually an entire science that revolves around color? It’s called colorimetry, or chromatics. Or even just color science for the average folk. This field deals with everything from color theory in art to the physics of electromagnetic radiation and how our eyes actually work. Okay, enough of the technical talk. Are you ready for a taste of some crazy? The average person can see roughly one million colors. But…there is a condition affecting some women that allows them to see nearly 100 million colors. That’s right. They see 100 times more color than the average person. So next time your wife argues with you about the color of your shoes, you know why. And another little tidbit – did you know that night vision is usually green because our eyes can distinguish more shades of green than any other color? These are 25 amazing facts about colors that you never saw coming!

Featured Image: wikipedia


The sun is actually white when viewed from space. The Earth's atmosphere makes it appear to be yellow.

The sun is actually white when viewed from space. The Earth's atmosphere makes it appear to be yellow.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Impossible colors, also called forbidden colors, are colors that are too complex for the human eye

Impossible colors, also called forbidden colors, are colors that are too complex for the human eye

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most people dream in color, but for those of you who grew up watching a monochrome television (probably not many), you most likely also dream in black and white.

Most people dream in color, but for those of you who grew up watching a monochrome television (probably not many), you most likely also dream in black and white.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Horses have the largest eyes of any land animal and they have excellent night vision. Unfortunately, their vision is only dichromatic, meaning they can only see two colors.

Horses have the largest eyes of any land animal and they have excellent night vision. Unfortunately their vision is only dichromatic, meaning they can only see two colors.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Colorblind people tend to have better night vision

Colorblind people tend to have better night vision

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Germany's Formula One color is silver because when one of their cars was overweight in 1934, they scraped off the paint. The car went on to win the race and the color stuck

Germany's Formula One color is silver because when one of their cars was overweight in 1934, they scraped off the paint. The car went on to win the race and the color stuck

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Night vision goggles use green phosphor because the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color

Night vision goggles use green phosphor because the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The matador's cape doesn't need to be red because the bull is color blind. It is said that the cape is red in order to hide the blood splatter from the audience (when the bull is finally killed)

The matador's cape doesn't need to be red because the bull is color blind. It is said that the cape is red in order to hide the blood splatter from the audience (when the bull is finally killed)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Fernando Patolsky, an Israeli chemist, invented a "date rape straw". It changes color when you put it in a drink containing date rape drugs.

Fernando Patolsky, an Israeli chemist, invented a

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Highlighters tend to be yellow because they don't leave a shadow on the page when they are photocopied.

Highlighters tend to be yellow because they don't leave a shadow on the page when they are photocopied.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The US Army uses colorblind people to "see" camouflage. This is because they perceive certain colors in a way that people with normal vision don't.

The US Army uses colorblind people to

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Studies have shown that redheads can require up to 20% more anesthesia during surgery

Studies have shown that redheads can require up to 20% more anesthesia during surgery

Source: medscape.com, Image: wikipedia


During the Middle Ages, dyers of fabric would either dye red or blue. Both groups had their own guilds and forbid their members from dying with the opposite color. So purple clothing was rare.

During the Middle Ages, dyers of fabric would either dye red or blue. Both groups had their own guilds and forbid their members from dying with the opposite color. So purple clothing was rare.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Cheddar cheese is only orange because it is dyed. In reality, its color changes according to the season and the cow's diet. Farmers started dying it to avoid these color fluctuations.

Cheddar cheese is only orange because it is dyed. In reality, its color changes according to the season and the cow's diet. Farmers started dying it to avoid these color fluctuations.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


During the 1980s, scientists showed that an enzyme in green coffee beans could turn any blood type into type O, the universal donor.

During the 1980s, scientists showed that an enzyme in green coffee beans could turn any blood type into type O, the universal donor.

Source: newscientist.com, Image: wikipedia


Fire hydrant colors can be used to determine their water flow and pressure

Fire hydrant colors can be used to determine their water flow and pressure

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1962, Crayola's "flesh" color was renamed "peach"

In 1962, Crayola's

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The colored dots found on soda cans near the nutrition facts represent the colors used in the can design. This allows the company to troubleshoot their printers if one of the dots is faded or missing.

The colored dots found on soda cans near the nutrition facts represent the colors used in the can design. This allows the company to troubleshoot their printers if one of the dots is faded or missing.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pexels


When Emerson Moser (Crayola's most senior crayon molder) was retiring he revealed that he was actually color blind.

When Emerson Moser (Crayola's most senior crayon molder) was retiring he revealed that he was actually color blind.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Fake blood on the set of Sweeney Todd was orange colored in order to render correctly on the desaturated film

Fake blood on the set of Sweeney Todd was orange colored in order to render correctly on the desaturated film

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Since the 1890s, pencils have been painted yellow. This is because the graphite came from China and in China yellow was the color of royalty. Therefore, pencil manufacturers began coloring their pencils yellow to show they contained the high quality Chinese graphite. And the color stuck.

Since the 1890s, pencils have been painted yellow. This is because the graphite came from China and in China yellow was the color of royalty. Therefore, pencil manufacturers began coloring their pencils yellow to show they contained the high quality Chinese graphite. And the color stuck.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Some women are tetra chromatic. This means they can perceive roughly 100 times the number of colors that a normal human can perceive.

Some women are tetrachromatic. This means they can perceive roughly 100 times the number of colors that a normal human can perceive.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


When UPS started out in Germany in 1976, locals got upset because the brown shirts were very reminiscent of the Nazi party. UPS changed the shirts to green.

When UPS started out in Germany in 1976, locals got upset because the brown shirts were very reminiscent of the Nazi party. UPS changed the shirts to green.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The following is an excerpt from a trade magazine in 1918 (when pink was still considered a boy color and blue was a girl color) - "The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."

The following is an excerpt from a trade magazine in 1918 (when pink was still considered a boy color and blue was a girl color) -

Source: smithsonianmag.com


The color orange was named after the fruit. Before its name change, it was known in English as "geoluhread"

The color orange was named after the fruit. Before its name change, it was known in English as

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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