[Amazing] 25 Best Places In The United States To Raise Kids
Every parent wants to be able to raise their kids in a safe, educational, child friendly atmosphere. That’s why people emigrate to different countries or decide in which part of their present country they want to live. If you don’t have kids yet then bear with us. Even if you plan on never having kids this is probably good knowledge. You can at least advise your friends when they bring the subject up. But if you don’t have any friends, living in cities that are good for kids are generally good all around places to live (we’re sorry that you don’t have friends though). These places are usually affordable, safe, have good infrastructure, and plenty of things to do. So, even if you don’t have a family it can be a good place to look for singles wanting to relocate. Having said all that, this list is based on rankings by niche.com. As you may have guessed, safety and schools are very heavily favored and many of the locations are places that probably won’t surprise you. California, North Carolina, Colorado, and Texas all have the most cities on the list. These are the 25 best places in the United States to raise kids.