[Amazing] 25 Facts About Noam Chomsky You Might Not Know
The father of modern linguistics; the most important intellectual alive; one of the world´s most controversial thinkers – these are titles Noam Chomsky has been referred to. No matter what you think of this renaissance man (who by the way, is considered a major American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, logician, social critic, and political activist), one thing is for sure – Noam Chomsky is one of the world´s most visible, well-known and influential intellectuals. Apart from his controversial politics, he has also been a renowned professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he now serves as Institute Professor Emeritus. As Noam Chomsky is undoubtedly anything but an ordinary man, we decided to take a closer look at this prominent intellectual and compile a list with some lesser known facts about Noam Chomsky. So if you are interested in learning about Chomsky’s first political article; or about the many films he has starred in, what animal was named after him or his monitoring by the CIA, check out these 25 Facts About Noam Chomsky You Might Not Know.