[Amazing] 25 Incredible Things That Belgium Is Known For Besides Tasty Waffles

For being such a small country, Belgium sure does pack a punch. For starters, one of the things that Belgium is known for is the city of Brussels. It is the capital of the European Union, NATO, and numerous other organizations. In fact, the only city with a bigger international presence is New York City. Belgium is also a very diverse place. It has three language regions. Flanders in the north is better off economically and speaks Dutch. Wallonia in the south speaks French and although it is territorially larger, it has only half the population. In the east of the country there is also a very small German speaking region. These three regions together constitute one of the most densely populated nations in the developed world.

Thanks to this, Belgium has one of the most dense railroad networks on Earth. In fact, its highway network is pretty dense too. NASA astronauts have even labeled it the Belgian Window because from space when you look down on Belgium the entire country is lit up like a torch. So whether you’re coming to see some history, learn about politics, or work in its modern cities, Belgium has something for everyone. These are 25 incredible things that Belgium is known for besides tasty waffles!


Belgium has the most castles per kilometer out of any country in the world

Belgium has the most castles per kilometer out of any country in the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Nearly 80% of the world's billiard balls are made in Belgium

Nearly 80% of the world's billiard balls are made in Belgium

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Antwerp has been the diamond capital of the world since the 1400s. In fact, a vast majority of the world's diamonds pass through the city

Antwerp has been the diamond capital of the world since the 1400s. In fact, a vast majority of the world's diamonds pass through the city

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Big Bang Theory actually came from Belgium. Georges Lemaitre was a Belgian priest and physicist who came up with the idea in 1927.

The Big Bang Theory actually came from Belgium. Georges Lemaitre was a Belgian priest and physicist who came up with the idea in 1927.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


In Belgium voting is mandatory

In Belgium voting is mandatory

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Only New York has a bigger international presence than Brussels. The city has over 120 international governmental organizations and 1400 NGOs

Only New York has a bigger international presence than Brussels. The city has over 120 international governmental organizations and 1400 NGOs

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Brussels is the capital of the European Union and NATO

Brussels is the capital of the European Union and NATO

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In spite of being so tiny, Belgium is the world's 13th biggest exporter.

In spite of being so tiny, Belgium is the world's 13th biggest exporter.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Not everything in Belgium is so rosy though. The country has one of the highest divorce rates in Europe. It is only surpassed by Lithuania and Latvia

Not everything in Belgium is so rosy though. The country has one of the highest divorce rates in Europe. It is only surpassed by Lithuania and Latvia

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most Belgians live in cities and urban areas. In fact, along with the Netherlands, Belgium is one of the most densely populated regions of Europe

Most Belgians live in cities and urban areas. In fact, along with the Netherlands, Belgium is one of the most densely populated regions of Europe

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The highest point in Belgium is the Signal de Botrange at 694 meters. This is lower than the tallest building in the world (Dubai's Burj Khalifa at 828 meters)

The highest point in Belgium is the Signal de Botrange at 694 meters. This is lower than the tallest building in the world (Dubai's Burj Khalifa at 828 meters)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Did you know that the people from Belgium are one of the most well-traveled people in the world.


Belgium's border with the Netherlands is extremely convoluted. In the town of Baarle-Hertog, some of the buildings are even split right down the middle between the two countries.

Belgium's border with the Netherlands is extremely convoluted. In the town of Baarle-Hertog, some of the buildings are even split right down the middle between the two countries.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Belgium has the world's densest rail network

In spite of being so small, Belgium has the world's longest trail network (if you add up the length of all its tracks) at 4078 kilometers

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Another not-so-cool thing Belgium is known for - taxes. By some calculations you can be taxed up to 64% of your income. That's more than any other country in the world.

Another not-so-cool thing Belgium is known for - taxes. By some calculations you can be taxed up to 64% of your income. That's more than any other country in the world.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Belgium has three official languages, one in each region. Flanders speaks Flemish (Dutch), Wallonia speaks French, and the German region speaks...you guessed it...German.

Belgium has three official languages, one in each region. Flanders speaks Flemish (Dutch), Wallonia speaks French, and the German region speaks...you guessed it...German.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


In March 2003 it was the first country on Earth to introduce electronic ID cards

In March 2003 it was the first country on Earth to introduce electronic ID cards

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Brussels Airport is known for being the largest chocolate selling point in the world

Brussels Airport is known for being the largest chocolate selling point in the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Belgium is lit up more brightly at night than almost any other country due its dense highway network being nearly 100% illuminated. In fact, NASA astronauts even call it the "Belgian Window" because of how it looks from space.

Belgium is lit up more brightly at night than almost any other country due its dense highway network being nearly 100% illuminated. In fact, NASA astronauts even call it the

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Belgian Coast Tram is the world's longest tramway at 68 km.

The Belgian Coast Tram is the world's longest tramway at 68 km.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The saxophone was invented in Belgium in the 1840s by Adolphe Sax

The saxophone was invented in Belgium in the 1840s by Adolphe Sax

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Another Belgian named Adolphe Quetelet came up with the Body Mass Index

Another Belgian named Adolphe Quetelet came up with the Body Mass Index

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Belgium grants more citizenships per capita than any other country on Earth

Belgium grants more citizenships per capita than any other country on Earth

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


After the Netherlands and Japan, Belgium has the highest number of vehicles per square kilometer in the world

After the Netherlands and Japan, Belgium has the highest number of vehicles per square kilometer in the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Belgium claims to have invented chips (french fries)

Belgium claims to have invented chips (french fries)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Belgium has compulsory education up to the age of 18 (highest in the world).

Belgium has compulsory education up to the age of 18 (highest in the world).

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

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