[Amazing] 25 Interesting Tidbits About Deserts That Will Make You Glad For Rain
How can a desert be interesting right? It’s just a big place full of…nothing. Well, that’s what you think. And that’s why this list is going to be pretty interesting for you. For one, do you know where the biggest desert in the world is? Depending on where you live and how geographically aware you are, you’re probably thinking Asia (the Middle East), Africa (for those of you who know where the Sahara is), or Australia (basically the whole continent right?). But you’re all wrong. The world’s biggest desert is actually…well, we don’t want to give it away. We will however give you a hint: deserts aren’t necessarily places covered in sand. As you’ll see in a moment, barely 20% of the Sahara Desert is sand. Most of it is gravel, mountains, and rock. Moreover, deserts are defined by the level of precipitation they receive. Take a guess and see if you’re right by reading these 25 interesting tidbits about deserts that will make you glad for rain!
Featured Image: wikipedia