[Amazing] 25 Interesting Tidbits About Twitter And Tweeting

Twitter has become so popular these days that its almost impossible to avoid it. In fact, next to Facebook, there are few things that have changed the world so much in the last decade. Everything from local news stories to reporting from the front lines of battlefields, Twitter has played a role. It was the primary means for people to communicate and helped catalyze revolutions all across Africa and the Middle East during the Arab Spring. In some countries it is the best means to get first hand news and an understanding of how things look “on the ground”. This is especially true in places where the media is repressed or there is heavy censorship in place. Of course, Twitter has been abused for negative purposes just as much as it has been used for good. From cyber bullying to terrorism, Twitter has played a major role in the way our world has been shaped. Even if you’re not on Twitter, it’s hard to read a major news story these days without at least one screenshot of some sort of tweet. So, whether you are a Twitter fanatic, or just your average Joe, these are 25 interesting tidbits about Twitter and Tweeting.

Featured Image: pixabay


Friendstalker was one of the early names considered for Twitter

Friendstalker was one of the early names considered for Twitter

Source: wikipedia


Justin Bieber has more Twitter followers than the entire population of Spain

Justin Bieber has more Twitter followers than the entire population of Spain

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The CIA reads nearly 5 million tweets everyday

The CIA reads nearly 5 million tweets everyday

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Twitter bought Vine for $30 million a few months before the app even came out

Twitter bought Vine for $30 million a few months before the app even came out

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Nearly 30% of Twitter accounts are in the United States

Nearly 30% of Twitter accounts are in the United States

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


According to the Vatican, following the Pope on Twitter can reduce your time in pergatory

According to the Vatican, following the Pope on Twitter can reduce your time in pergatory

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


@RealTimeWWII narrates World War II in real time (as you may have guessed)

@RealTimeWWII narrates World War II in real time (as you may have guessed)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Every single tweet is archived by the Library of Congress

Every single tweet is archived by the Library of Congress

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The FBI has a twitter slang dictionary

The FBI has a twitter slang dictionary

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 2011, the US government (USAID) created a clone of Twitter for Cubans to get around the Cuban governments crackdown on information

In 2011, the US government (USAID) created a clone of Twitter for Cubans to get around the Cuban governments crackdown on information

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


347,000 tweets are sent every minute

347,000 tweets are sent every minute

Source: twitter.com, Image: wikipedia


In 2011, users tweet the equivalent of over 8,000 copies of the book War and Peace every single day

In 2011, users tweet the equivalent of over 8,000 copies of the book War and Peace every single day

Source: livescience.com, Image: wikipedia


One day worth of Twitter posts could fill a 10 million page book (200 million tweets)

One day worth of Twitter posts could fill a 10 million page book (200 million tweets)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


90% of people with internet access don't use Twitter

90% of people with internet access don't use Twitter

Source: forbes.com, Image: pixabay


Along with Facebook and the New York Times, Twitter has been blocked in China since 2009

Along with Facebook and the New York Times, Twitter has been blocked in China since 2009

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


83% of world leaders have a twitter account

In 2012, Hugo Chaves, the president of Venezuela, gave his 3 millionth Twitter follower (a 19 year old girl) a new home

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


According to a recent study at Chicago University, researchers found that Tweeting is more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol

According to a recent study at Chicago University, researchers found that Tweeting is more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 2013, a fake tweet by the Associated Press account about explosions at the White House caused the stock market to drop 1% and wipe out nearly $130 billion.

In 2013, a fake tweet by the Associated Press account about explosions at the White House cause the stock market to drop 1% and wipe out nearly $130 billion.

Source: wikipedia


The Twitter bird is called Larry

The Twitter bird is called Larry

Source: huffintonpost.com, Image: pixabay


44% of users registered on Twitter have never sent a tweet

44% of users registered on Twitter have never sent a tweet

Source: wikipedia


Nearly 50% of Twitter accounts are fake

Nearly 50% of Twitter accounts are fake

Source: bbc


Barack Obama has more followers on Twitter than any other world leader (over 70 million)

Barack Obama has more followers on Twitter than any other world leader (over 70 million)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


When the death of Michael Jackson hit headlines, his name was mentioned on Twitter at a rate of 5,000 tweets per minute

When the death of Michael Jackson hit headlines, his name was mentioned on Twitter at a rate of 5,000 tweets per minute

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times

The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times

Source: twitter.com, Image: mkhmarketing via Flickr


Sweden chooses a random citizen every week to manage its @Sweden twitter account

Sweden chooses a random citizen every week to manage its @Sweden twitter account

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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