[Amazing] 25 Little Known Facts About The Yakuza
If you’ve binged watched the incredible ‘Daredevil’ Netflix series, you’re probably familiar with the name yakuza (if you haven’t watched this magnificent piece of super hero lore what are you waiting for?). The big bad group who apparently have their hands in everything are notorious for making our blind crusader’s life a living nightmare. But the yakuza are more than just a fictional organized crime group, they are actually the real deal. That’s right, the yakuza walk, breathe, and are responsible for instilling fear in the hearts of many people around the world. Get ready because on today’s list, we are about to share with you some little known facts about the yakuza.
This gigantic network of organized crime syndicates originated in Japan and most of its members still operate in this East Asian country. The yakuza is arguably the most famous and largest mafia in the world but in fact, few people know what exactly yakuza is, when it was formed, how it is divided or what activities it is involved in. As this Japanese underworld is also surrounded by a number of myths and legends, we decided to do a bit of a research on this topic and compile a list of 25 little known facts about the yakuza (yay).
Though most people may only associate the yakuza with crime, deadly fights among cliques, brutal vendettas and other violent acts, did you know the yakuza has also been involved in beneficial and relief efforts to help people affected by devastating natural disasters? Or do you know what the links between the yakuza and the sumo wrestlers are? And how about their bizarre rituals such as cutting off fingers? This and much more coming up…