[Amazing] 25 Reasons Spiders Are Extremely Terrifying But Insanely Interesting

Spiders can be quite scary. Especially if you look at those up-close pictures. But what is it about spiders that scare us so easily? Are spiders really as dangerous as we make them out to be? Should we be so scared? For the most part, the answer is no. There is a lot of misinformation out there concerning spiders and their capabilities. For example, there is an often repeated statistic that the average person will swallow “x” amount of spiders within “y” period of time. Sometimes x is 4, sometimes 8, sometimes y is 1 night, sometimes it is a lifetime. The important thing to realize here, however, is that these “statistics” are almost always wrong. Your mouth is actually quite a terrible place for a spider to hide. They would not like it at all and if they were given the chance they would be sure to steer very clear of it. So, although some people who sleep outside on the ground in less developed countries may quite possibly swallow a spider at some point in their lives, it is not the norm. And if you average all the people in the world together, the number of the spiders that the average person swallows every night is basically 0. So with that out of the way, these are 25 reasons spiders are extremely terrifying but insanely interesting!

Featured Image: wikipedia


You think swimming will save you from a spider attack? Wrong! Some species can swim and even breathe under water!

You think swimming will save you from a spider attack? Wrong! Some species can swim and even breathe under water!

Source: telegraph.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


Female black widows are known to eat the male black widows after mating

Female black widows are known to eat the male black widows after mating

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Spiders recycle their webs by eating them

Spiders recycle their webs by eating them

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


A female black widow's venom is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake.

A female black widow's venom is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The spider tailed horned viper has a fake spider at the tip of its tail!

The spider tailed horned viper has a fake spider at the tip of its tail!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Some male spiders give dead flies to the females as gifts

Some male spiders give dead flies to the females as gifts

Image: asenat29 via Flickr, Image: wikipedia


Spiders mate using appendages on their face

Spiders mate using appendages on their face

Source: telegraph.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


Orb spiders mummify their prey before killing it

Orb spiders mummify their prey before killing it

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


95% of the spiders in your house have never gone outside

95% of the spiders in your house have never gone outside

Source: 1,339 QI Facts to Make Your Jaw Drop by James Lloyd


In just 2 days, a tarantula can completely liquefy the body of a small mouse leaving nothing but skin and bones

In just 2 days, a tarantula can completely liquify the body of a small mouse leaving nothing but skin and bones

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although Australia is known for dangerous animals, the last time somebody died of a spider bite on the continent was in 1981.

Although Australia is known for dangerous animals, the last time somebody died of a spider bite on the continent was in 1981.

Source: australiangeographic.com, Image: pixabay

Not all spider are scary, check out these 25 adorable spiders that are not as scary as you think.


The "fact" that an average person eats 4 spiders during their lifetime (while sleeping) is bogus. Most people will never consume a spider and the average is most likely very close to 0. The reasons for this are largely biological. Spiders are very unlikely to ever seek shelter in a human mouth.


Source: reddit, Image: pixabay


Along with snails and lobsters, spiders have blue blood. This is due to a high copper content.

Along with snails and lobsters, spiders have blue blood. This is due to a high copper content.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most spiders live for only 1 year, but some tarantulas can live for nearly 20 years.

Most spiders live for only 1 year, but some tarantulas can live for nearly 20 years.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


If you are scared of spiders then you are more likely to find a spider in your room. This is simply due to the fact that someone who isn't afraid of spiders might never notice that there was even a spider near them.

If you are scared of spiders then you are more likely to find a spider in your room. This is simply due to the fact that someone who isn't afraid of spiders might never notice that there was even a spider near them.

Source: livescience.com, Image: wikipedia


Every species of peacock spider has its own courtship dance

Every species of peacock spider has its own courtship dance

Source: australiangeographic.com, Image: wikipedia


Spider silk is almost 5 times stronger than steel (pound for pound).

Spider silk is almost 5 times stronger than steel (pound for pound).

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Spiders are on every continent except Antarctica

Spiders are on every continent except Antarctica

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Since spiders don't have teeth, they can't chew their food. Instead, they inject their prey with digestive juices and then suck out its guts.

Since spiders don't have teeth, they can't chew their food. Instead, they inject their prey with digestive juices and then suck out its guts.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Spiders can survive for extended periods of time underwater by entering into a coma

Spiders can survive for extended periods of time underwater by entering into a coma

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Hummingbirds actually use the silk of spider webs to make their nests

Hummingbirds actually use the silk of spiderwebs to make their nests

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The goliath spider can grow to nearly 1 foot in length!

The goliath spider can grow to nearly 1 foot in length!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Humans have muscles on the outside of their skeleton. Spiders have their muscles on the inside.

Humans have muscles on the outside of their skeleton. Spiders have their muscles on the inside.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Net throwing spiders spin a small net that they throw over their prey

Net throwing spiders spin a small net that they throw over their prey

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Spiders are scared of ants because of their formic acid

Spiders are scared of ants because of their formic acid

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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