[Amazing] 25 Reasons Spiders Are Extremely Terrifying But Insanely Interesting
Spiders can be quite scary. Especially if you look at those up-close pictures. But what is it about spiders that scare us so easily? Are spiders really as dangerous as we make them out to be? Should we be so scared? For the most part, the answer is no. There is a lot of misinformation out there concerning spiders and their capabilities. For example, there is an often repeated statistic that the average person will swallow “x” amount of spiders within “y” period of time. Sometimes x is 4, sometimes 8, sometimes y is 1 night, sometimes it is a lifetime. The important thing to realize here, however, is that these “statistics” are almost always wrong. Your mouth is actually quite a terrible place for a spider to hide. They would not like it at all and if they were given the chance they would be sure to steer very clear of it. So, although some people who sleep outside on the ground in less developed countries may quite possibly swallow a spider at some point in their lives, it is not the norm. And if you average all the people in the world together, the number of the spiders that the average person swallows every night is basically 0. So with that out of the way, these are 25 reasons spiders are extremely terrifying but insanely interesting!
Featured Image: wikipedia