[Amazing] 25 Interesting Tidbits You Might Not Know About Movies

Ever since the first silent films, movies have helped shape our culture and our world. Whether it is a Bollywood film or a classic Hollywood blockbuster, the cinema is important in our daily lives. It has shaped popular culture in ways that cannot be underestimated. In many ways it determines what is going to be “cool” and what won’t be. Whether it is slang, clothing, or just a general style, there is nothing more potent and powerful than Hollywood in dictating the direction of culture. Even in parts of the world where electricity and internet connection are sparse, people find themselves being influenced by movies.

Of course, along with this influence comes the possibility of division. Movies and cinema play a strong role in dissent and political activism as well. Documentary makers often cast light on things that people otherwise wouldn’t know about. Today we are going to take a look behind the scenes of the movies and find out some quirky facts about the cinema and Hollywood that you might not have known before. So even if you are not a movie buff, we are sure that you will enjoy this list. These are 25 interesting tidbits you might not know about movies.

Featured Image: wikipedia


Movie trailers actually used to play after films

Movie trailers actually used to play after films

Source: straightdope.com


It cost more to make the movie Titanic than to actually build the Titanic

It cost more to make the movie Titanic than to actually build the Titanic

Source: spking.com, Image: pixabay


Nigeria actually makes more movies per year than the United States

Nigeria actually makes more movies per year than the United States

Source: economist.com, Image: wikipedia


Time travel is banned in movies and on TV in China

Time travel is banned in movies and on TV in China

Source: time.com, Image: wikipedia


More than 90% of American movies filmed before 1930 have been lost

More than 90% of American movies filmed before 1930 have been lost

Source: film-foundation.org


In the movie The Godfather, the word "mafia" is never mentioned because the real mafia had requested for it not to be

In the movie The Godfather, the word

Source: imdb, Image: Insomnia Cured Here via Flickr


Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually slowed his movies down so people could see what he was doing

Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually slowed his movies down so people could see what he was doing

Source: neatorama.com, Image: wikipedia


The Movie Gravity cost more to film than the cost of the entire Indian Mars Mission

The Movie Gravity cost more to film than the cost of the entire Indian Mars Mission

Source: nytimes, Image: wikipedia


Before acting, Bruce Willis was a private investigator

Before acting, Bruce Willis was a private investigator

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Yoda's look was inspired by the look of his creator Stuart Freeborn with a little bit of Albert Einstein thrown in to make him seem more wise.

Yoda, in Star Wars, was inspired by the looks and persona of Albert Einstein

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Speaking of Star Wars, initially the series was meant to have the article "the" before it, as in "The Star Wars"

Speaking of Star Wars, initially the series was meant to have the article

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Speaking of movie facts, if you are a Harry Potter fan, feel free to check out these 25 Harry Potter facts that will knock you off your broomstick.


In Terminator 2, Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid more than $20,000 for every word he spoke

In Terminator 2, Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid more than $20,000 for every word he spoke

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia


The movie industry actually moved from New York to Los Angeles to escape Thomas Edison's patents

The movie industry actually moved from New York to Los Angeles to escape Thomas Edison's patents

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Adjusted for inflation, Gone With The Wind is the highest grossing movie of all time (It would have earned nearly 3.5 billion 2014 USD)

Adjusted for inflation, Gone With The Wind is the highest grossing movie of all time (It would have earned nearly 3.5 billion 2014 USD)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Sylvester Stallone was once so poor that he sold his dog for $50. One week later he sold the script for Rocky and bought his dog back for $3,000

Sylvester Stallone was once so poor that he sold his dog for $50. One week later he sold the script for Rocky and bought his dog back for $3,000

Source: news.com.au, Image: wikipedia


When James Cameron wrote Terminator, he was homeless and he sold the script for $1 along with an agreement that he could direct the movie

When James Cameron wrote Terminator, he was homeless and he sold the script for $1 along with an agreement that he could direct the movie

Source: ign.com, Image: wikipedia


The first Titanic movie was released less than a month after the sinking (Saved From The Titanic). It starred an actress who had actually survived the sinking

The first Titanic movie was released less than a month after the sinking (Saved From The Titanic). It starred an actress who had actually survived the sinking

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film in Disneyland during the early 60s because he made "that disgusting movie Psycho"

Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film in Disneyland during the early 60s because he made

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Because he started balding at 21, Sean Connery wore a toupee in all of his James Bond films

Because he started balding at 21, Sean Connery wore a toupee in all of his James Bond films

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and Harrison Ford, have never won Oscars. Leonardo DiCaprio would have also been on this list...but he finally won an Oscar this year.

Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, and Leonardo DiCaprio have never won Oscars

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia


David Holmes, Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the first six Harry Potter films was paralyzed during an accident on the set of the 7th film

David Holmes, Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the first six Harry Potter films was paralyzed during a accident on the set of the 7th film

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Morgan Freeman didn't appear in a movie until he was 34 and didn't get a big role until he was 52

Morgan Freeman didn't appear in a movie until he was 34 and didn't get a big role until he was 52

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia


Borat was a huge hit in Israel because all of Borat's Kazakh lines were actually in Hebrew


Source: washingtonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


Otto Frank wrote to Audrey Hepburn asking her if she would play the role of his daughter, Anne Frank, in the movie adaptation of her life. Audrey politely turned the role down because of her own past in Nazi occupied Netherlands would make it too emotionally challenging.

Otto Frank wrote to Audrey Hepburn asking her if she would play the role of his daughter, Anne Frank, in the movie adaptation of her life. Audrey politely turned the role down because of her own past in Nazi occupied Netherlands would make it too emotionally challenging.

Source: tcm.com, Image: wikipedia


NASA keeps Armageddon, Apollo 13, and Around The World In 80 Days aboard the International Space Station

NASA keeps Armageddon, Apollo 13, and Around The World In 80 Days aboard the International Space Station

Source: discovermagazine.com, Image: wikipedia

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