[Amazing] 25 Powerful Before-and-After Photos Of Our Changing Environment Everyone Needs To See
Though there is a major debate as to its cause and its implications, the fact is our environment is changing. The most recognizable changes can be found in our polar ice caps, though here there is debate as well. Some reports state that ice is melting at an alarming rate while other reports claim that instead of losing ice we are actually gaining ice. Lose or gain, an environmental change is still present. Though some changes in the environment can be attributed to natural things such as climate and other natural phenomenons, others are directly and undeniably linked to human influence such as the deforestation of natural habitats and the contamination of certain bodies of water. This would probably not be a big issue if it was at a reasonable scale, but some of these environmental changes are so devastating that they affect the lives of not just humans, but animals (some of which are already endangered). With an issue so full of controversy and contention, it’s definitely a see-it-to-believe-it scenario, so today we are going to show you 25 Powerful Before-and-After Photos Of Our Changing Environment Everyone Needs To See. With a little awareness, we might just be able to do something about our impact.