[Amazing] 25 Shocking Pictures Showing The Extent Of Pollution In China
Over the past decades, China has turned into a world economical superpower. These days, the giant Asian country boasts a number of impressive economical primacies including the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity and the world’s second largest economy by nominal GDP. China is also the largest trading nation in the world and plays a vital role in international trade. It is a global hub for manufacturing, and is the largest manufacturing economy in the world as well as the largest exporter of goods in the world. While all these things sound like admirable achievements, there is a darker side to the story. This enormous economic growth has taken its toll. And now we are not talking about the infamous working conditions under which millions of Chinese employees work. Combined with severe overpopulation, the rapid growth of Chinese production has had a devastating impact on the environment. China has been struggling with all sorts of pollution that have caused widespread environmental as well as health problems. Whether it is due to soil contamination, waste production, water pollution or air pollution, Chinese environment is now in terrifying conditions. Apart from poisoning local nature and wildlife, the pollution has extremely detrimental effects on the people too who, breathing some of the dirtiest air on Earth and drinking undrinkable water, suffer from an increased incidence of series diseases, premature deaths, birth defects etc. To show you how horrible the situation really is, check out these 25 Shocking Pictures Showing The Extent Of Pollution In China.