[Healthy Advice] How To Lose 10-17 Pounds With This Delicious Fat- Burning Soup In Just 1 Week!

Obesity is one common problem for people all around the world. It is not just esthetical problem, It is quite bad for health because sometimes can result in problems with heart and diabetes type 2.

How To Lose 10-17 Pounds With This Delicious Fat- Burning Soup In Just 1 Week!

This 7 day dietary plan is recommended by doctors from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. They recommended it to patients which needed to lose weight for short period of time because heart surgery was waiting them.

This soup needs to be combined with large amounts of water and kombucha for the good bacteria in your digestive tract.

Original recipe:

1 oz envelope Lipton onion soup mix, can of diced tomatoes, 1 bunch of celery, 3 sliced carrots, 1 large nicely chopped cabbage, 6 large chopped green onions, 2 cans of green beans and salt plus pepper.

All the ingredients should be mixed together in water with spices and be boiled for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes reduce the heat and simmer it until the vegetables become in tender form.

Organic diet cabbage soup:


1 diced bell pepper, 1 large onion, 1 bulb of sliced garlic, 1 large shredded cabbage, 1Ib of chopped mushrooms, 1 rinsed and sliced kombu seaweed, 1Ib of crushed tomatoes, 1 rinsed and sliced leek, broth, lots of herbs and pepper and salt.

Salt the vegetables except tomatoes and cabbage and pour some coconut oil on them too. Add later the tomatoes and cabbage and place everything in pot and pour water inside. Cook it until it boils and reduce the heat after boiling. Simmer until the vegetables become tender. Add herbs in the ends and cook it for another 5 minutes.

7 days long plan

Day 1 – Sat away from bananas and consume the soup along with fruit s like water melon and cantaloupe. Drink water, cranberry juice and unsweetened tea.

Day 2 – The soup should be consumed along with green leafy vegetables and corn, peas and beans should be avoided. Also, do not consume any kind of fruits.

Day 3 – The third day you should consume the soup along with vegetables and fruits by your choice. Your weight loss will be around 5-7 lbs minus.

Day 4 – Eat the soup and consume bananas as much as you want. Drink large amount of water. Potassium, calcium and proteins will reduce your sugar cravings.

Day 5 – Along with your soup you can take at least 6 organic tomatoes, beef, chicken or fish. Make sure it is all in high quality; drink at least 8 glasses of water. One serving of the soup will be enough for this day.

Day 6 – Take leafy green vegetables and combine it with beef, fish or chicken. Avoid potatoes, consume at least 1 serving of soup and have 2-3 stakes if you want a day.

Day 7 – Consume unsweetened fruit and vegetables. Take brown rice and consume the soup at least once daily.

During this regime if you lost 15 pounds you should take a break and start from day one. You should also remember that it gives different results in different people.

Also, while dieting you need to remember to cut out the bread, pasta and fried foods. Cut alcohol and after ending, make 24 hour break before consumption. Soda drinks are also forbidden and should be replaced with skimmed milk, natural juices, water, coffee and unsweetened tea.

This diet cannot interfere with any medications but consult your doctor before starting it.

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