[Shocking] 2016 Predictions: Asteroid Impact On Earth Will End The World For The Anti-Christ

2016 Predictions: Asteroid Impact On Earth Will End The World For The Anti-Christ

2016 predictions are already warning us to watch the skies in fear. One preacher named Ricardo Salazar is already predicting the end of the world via an asteroid impact on Earth, which will then herald in the Anti-Christ of the Bible four years later in 2020. NASA has tried telling everyone not to be concerned about asteroids or meteors, but that won’t stop the conspiracy theories.

In a related report by the Inquisitr, some are predicting that Mitt Romney will be a last minute 2016 entry in the presidential race. If that’s not enough to cause the end of the world for you, the U.S. military is really preparing their WMD bioweapon defense teams, which eerily resembles the fiction related to a zombie apocalypse virus.

To put these asteroid predictions for 2016 into perspective, some predicted the end the of the world back in September of 2015 when a killer asteroid was supposed to coincide with the Blood Moon prophecies. Even famous Christian leader Pat Robertson has said an asteroid impact on Earth is eventually going to happen since “there isn’t anything else that will cause the seas to roil, that will cause the skies to darken, the moon and the sun not to give their light” like the events described in the Bible.
“So, hey, just get ready… Get right… It could be next week, it could be 1,000 years from now. But nevertheless, we want to be ready whenever the Lord says, ‘I’m wrapping it up, and it’s time to come home.’”

What Does NASA Say About An Meteor Or Asteroid Impact?

The consternation over the September asteroid predictions reached such a level that NASA was forced to release a statement.
“NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth, so the probability of a major collision is quite small,” a NASA spokesman said. “In fact, as best as we can tell, no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years.”
That is not to say that NASA is not concerned about an asteroid hitting the Earth at all. The theme of the 2015 IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC) discussed a fictional asteroid impact on Earth, and over 100 scientists gathered to determine how to effectively track near-Earth objects (NEO).

Fortunately, scientists have already put at least one system together that will help. The Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) went live in the summer of 2015 and this asteroid impact early warning system consists of “two telecopes, 100 miles apart, which automatically scan the whole sky several times every night looking for moving objects.” Although the ATLAS team has not made any 2016 predictions on their blog, the system can “provide one day’s warning for a 30-kiloton ‘town killer,’ a week for a five-megaton ‘city killer,’ and three weeks for a 100-megaton ‘county killer.’”

Predictions For 2016: Asteroid To Hit Earth In May?

Despite the protestations by NASA, some insist that the skies are soon to be deadly. Earlier in 2015, Pastor Ricardo Salazar, from the Global Church of the King of Israel, in Tokyo, Japan, claimed that a “murderous” asteroid will strike the world in order to bring about doomsday prophecies related to the Anti-Christ.
“The asteroid that is coming to earth at 30,000 km per hour, that is made mainly of ice, is nine kilometers [5.6 miles] in diameter and it is a murderous one – it is going to hit the ocean,” Salazar said, according to Express. “In 2020 the Anti-Christ will come in the middle of a destroyed world that desperately will seek for peace.”
Salazar claims the asteroid will impact in the ocean, generating monstrous tsunamis which will sweep the globe. All in all, he is predicting that 1.2 billion people will die on May 16, 2016.
“Also the consequence will be famine in the world, infection, cholera…they will die and good neighbors will kill each other for food,” he added
NASA has yet to comment on these 2016 predictions directly, but the scientists do maintain a NASA asteroid impact risk table that lists all of the potential near Earth objects that may be of concern. The table lists the years in which an asteroid may be in range of Earth and although the list of 2016 asteroids is fairly long the good news the Torino Impact Hazard Scale is a long list of zeroes, meaning that NASA feels “likelihood of a collision is zero, or is so low as to be effectively zero.”


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