[Amazing] 25 Awesome Pop Culture Influences On Warcraft You Might Not Have Noticed Before
Warcraft is easily one of the most anticipated films of the year for a few reasons. To begin with, it is the first film directed by Duncan Jones (David Bowie’s son) in more than five years. His successful first films, Moon (2009) and Source Code (2011), pleasantly surprised movie fans and critics alike. More important, however, is that this is the first time World of Warcraft—arguably the most commercially successful online video game in history with more than 110 million players worldwide—has found its way to the big screen.
Along with the highly anticipated release of Assassin’s Creed (another video game adaptation that we will see for the first time on the big screen before the end of the year), Warcraft is the only remotely big-budget “original” at the moment, in the sense that it’s not a sequel, prequel, remake, or reboot of a film or project that has been seen again and again in theaters. As most avid players wait to see whether Warcraft will break the curse of the video game turned epically bad film, (Remember Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter, and Mortal Combat?) we have collected 25 Awesome Pop Culture Influences on World of Warcraft that will open the eyes of many gamers who probably haven’t noticed or paid little attention to until now.
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