[Amazing] 25 Cheeky Butt Facts To Make You LYAO
One of the most revered and controversial parts of our bodies, the butt is more interesting than you think. Our largest muscle group, the butt help us do simple things such as walking, climbing stairs, and sitting. Going by many names – from booty to rear-end to posterior and more – the butt has been a focus of cultures around the world since the dawn of time. It has also been the focus of our primate relatives who often use it to determine a mate’s fertility and desirability (as we also do).
It’s time to give your butt the credit it deserves. From the annual “Rear of the Year” award recognizing the best bum in show business to the origin of twerking and the reason some of us have big butts, this list will satisfy your secret desire to learn more about one of our most popular muscles. If you’ve ever wanted a list of facts to cheekily drop as a pick-up line at your next cocktail party, this is the perfect list for you. (Spoiler: There’s actually a word to describe a person who likes looking at or touching a butt.) Get jiggy with this list of 25 Cheeky Butt Facts to Make You LYAO.