[Amazing] 25 Tragic Things You Might Want To Know About Obesity

Obesity has always been an issue, even from antiquity, but in recent times it has reached epidemic proportions. For that matter, many scientists and doctors refer to it as the plague of the twenty-first century. What makes this issue even worse is that in the West, especially in the United States, political correctness has seemingly restrained the freedom for a much needed discourse over the ills and dangers of this epidemic. Most people know that it’s not healthy, yet few know that it can lead to death.

Obesity is responsible for a number of fatal diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, and the list just goes on. As if the physical and overall health impact was not enough, few are aware of obesity’s psychological toll such as low self-esteem, depression, and suicide. It’s a serious issue and we want to shed some light on it, so today we are going to share with you 25 tragic things you might want to know about obesity. Aesthetics has nothing to do with it. Rather, it’s about a higher quality of life.


There are more people today worldwide who suffer from obesity than hunger or starvation.

boy starving

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Research has shown that people who eat out for dinner or breakfast rather than a home-cooked meal usually end up obese.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Also, lack of sleep is one of the best allies of obesity. Even if you don’t eat unhealthy, lack of sleep can cause you to gain up to two pounds of fat in a week.

effects of sleep deprivation

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Contrary to popular belief, the USA is not the fattest nation in the world; it ranks eleventh, with thirty-two percent of the population being obese.

obese woman

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: YouTube


The honor of “fattest” country goes to Kuwait, with an incredible 42.8% of its population being obese.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Annual health costs related to obesity in the United States surpass $200 billion, while over twenty-one percent of medical costs in the United States can be attributed to obesity.

Annual health costs related to obesity in the United States surpass $200 billion, while over twenty-one percent of medical costs in the United States can be attributed to obesity.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Modern medicine attributes forty-four percent of the diabetes burden, twenty-three percent of the ischemic heart disease burden, and between seven and forty-one percent of certain cancer burdens exclusively to being overweight and obesity.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: YouTube


According to the American Cancer Society 572,000 Americans die of cancer each year, about one-third of these deaths are linked to excess body weight, poor nutrition, and/or physical inactivity.

American Cancer Society

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


In the early nineties no state had an obesity rate above fifteen percent. Today there are forty-one states with obesity rates over twenty-five percent, according to the Trust for America’s Health.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Some of us might think that drinking diet soda isn’t harmful, but a study from the University of Texas shows us otherwise. The study followed 474 diet soda drinkers for nearly a decade and found that their waists grew seventy percent more than those of non-diet soda drinkers.

diet coke

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Despite many people wrongly connecting obesity with a rich lifestyle, surveys in the United States have shown that poor people have a much higher rate of obesity than the rich.

caviar and champagne

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: YouTube


However, in developing and poor countries, obesity is more common among the highly educated and wealthy.

world map

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


New Zealand denies people residency visas if they are overweight. There have been recorded cases of people rejected because they were obese.

New Zealand denies people residency visas if they are overweight. There have been recorded cases of people rejected because they were obese.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


In case you are one of those who still believe that obesity can’t kill, think again. Being overweight or obese is the fifth-leading risk of global deaths as of 2015. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese.

In case you are one of those who still believe that obesity can’t kill, think again. Being overweight or obese is the fifth-leading risk of global deaths as of 2015. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


It took the modern world many decades of debate to come to the conclusion that we should consider obesity a disease, but in ancient Greece and Egypt obesity was seen as a severe medical disorder.

It took the modern world many decades of debate to come to the conclusion that we should consider obesity a disease, but in ancient Greece and Egypt obesity was seen as a severe medical disorder.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


In case you have been wondering where the fat goes when you lose weight, most of the fat is breathed out as carbon dioxide while the rest is excreted as water.

In case you have been wondering where the fat goes when you lose weight, most of the fat is breathed out as carbon dioxide while the rest is excreted as water.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: commons.wikimedia.org


One of the most damaging foods in America is candy. The average American consumes about twenty-five pounds of candy per year, a fact that contributes a lot to a person’s obesity.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


A study has shown that a father’s diet before conception is very important for the child’s health.

father and son

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


According to a 2011 Gallup Poll, overweight or obese full-time workers in the United States miss an estimated 450 million workdays each year compared to healthy workers. The consequences of this are an estimated loss of more than $153 billion in annual productivity.

According to a 2011 Gallup Poll, overweight or obese full-time workers in the United States miss an estimated 450 million workdays each year compared to healthy workers. The consequences of this are an estimated loss of more than $153 billion in annual productivity.

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: commons.wikimedia.org


And in case you are one of those who complains about the cost of healthy food, the US Department of Agriculture reports that healthier diets could prevent at least $71 billion per year in medical costs and lost productivity.

US Department of Agriculture

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Good cholesterol (HDL) can “turn bad” and solidify into fat clogs.


Source: bbc.com - EASO, Image: Shutterstock


According to the data, obese drivers are seventy-eight percent more likely to die in a car crash than a fit or slim driver.

bus driver

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Strangely, many mothers in Mauritania force-feed their daughters because obesity in women is seen as a good thing there.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


Even chickens are fatter these days due to the way they are fed in order to they will produce more eggs and meat, and a recent survey showed that the average chicken in America is 266 percent fatter today than it was in the seventies.

fat chicken

Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia


If obesity rates stay consistent for the next fifteen years, it is estimated that a whopping fifty-one percent of the global population will be obese by 2030.


Source: Obesity Facts & Figures - EASO, Image: Wikipedia

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