
[Amazing] Link25 (199) – Leaving The E.U. Edition

For those of you who don’t know, every weekend we come to you with 25 of the week’s best links, articles, images, and videos from all over the web. The last week has certainly not been a disappointment with everything from Resident Evil 7 to Brexit: Britain’s Vote to Leave the E.U. So get ready to kick off the weekend because this is Link25 (199) – Leaving The E.U. Edition.

‘You’ll find out how nasty I really am’: A judge’s seething response to a hostile defendant

It started as a routine hearing in a Georgia courtroom. It ended as an extraordinary display of vulgarity — between a defendant and judge.

Denver Fenton Allen, the defendant in a murder case, repeatedly threatened a judge and hurled crude obscenities and aggressive remarks during a hearing, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Allen was appearing before Bryant Durham Jr., a superior court judge in Floyd County. The hearing, held in Rome, Ga. last week, lasted less than 20 minutes.

But in that brief time, Allen and Durham launched a series of (Click on the title to read the full article).


When an astronomical observatory in the United States this winter detected a whisper of two black holes colliding in deep space, scientists celebrated a successful effort to confirm Albert Einstein’s prediction of gravitational waves. A team of Johns Hopkins University astrophysicists wondered about something else: Had the experiment found the “dark matter” that makes up most of the mass of the universe?

The eight scientists from the Johns Hopkins Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy had already started making calculations when the (click on the title to read the full article).

Britain Votes to Leave E.U.; Cameron Plans to Step Down

LONDON — Britain has voted to leave the European Union, a historic decision sure to reshape the nation’s place in the world, rattle the Continent and rock political establishments throughout the West.

Not long after the vote tally was completed, Prime Minister David Cameron, who led the campaign to remain in the bloc, appeared in front of 10 Downing Street on Friday morning to announce that he planned to step down by October, saying the country deserved a leader committed to carrying out the will of the people.

The stunning turn of events was accompanied by a plunge in the (click on the title to read the full article)

After the Brexit Vote, JK Rowling Says She’s Never “Wanted Magic More”

Following the news that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union in a narrow result — the first country to leave the EU since it was formed in 1993 — celebrities have reacted to the shocking referendum en masse. Among them was Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who was in support of the U.K. staying with the EU.

In response to the result, a Harry Potter fan tweeted at Rowling, imploring her to “do something,” to which the writer conceded that she’s (Click on the title to read the full article).


This is how you pass time in traffic




As the annual march, with its dozens of floats and some 20,000 participants, proceeds down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan in a celebration of lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual pride on Sunday, thousands of New York City police officers will be spread among the crowd.

Some will be on the streets in uniform, others in plain clothes. Officers will be posted on rooftops along the route and even on boats in the Hudson River, standing by as marchers approach the endpoint, in Greenwich Village.

“You will be safe,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said, speaking of the gay pride march at a news conference at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center on (click on the title to read the full article).


Run you fool!


There’s a whole other world under the sea and it appears now it’s making a mysterious whistling noise which humans can’t hear, though it can be detected in space, according to new research.
Scientists at the University of London have found that due to the size of the sea, it’s producing a sound from its seafloor which plays a note of A-flat, although many octaves lower than a piano and not audible to the human ear.

Southeast of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea covers over 1 million square miles and is bounded by South America, Central America and the Caribbean islands.

Initially looking at ocean pressure in the area, Chris Hughes and his team discovered “inexplicable pressure oscillations” across the sea’s basin and decided to (click on the title to read the full article).


Who knew!


The transparent grey ghost of a dead girl only appeared on the stairs for a fleeting moment, maybe only a frame of video, but she nearly made me jump out of my skin.

Developer Capcom at E3 last week revealed the new Resident Evil 7 playable teaser, Beginning Hour, through the PlayStation VR system. The teaser is not a slice of the final game. It is more a standalone experience, similar to the way the P.T. demo would have related to Silent Hills, just a demonstration of how (click on the title to read the full article).


Well that's embarrassing!


President Obama has established a new national monument at New York’s Stonewall Inn, the first such dedication marking the gay rights movement in the United States.

The Stonewall Inn is a Greenwich Village gay bar and the site of a police raid and subsequent riots in 1969 that helped ignite the American gay rights movement. In a White House video released Friday, Obama said that movement “ultimately became an integral part of America.”

Naming a monument at Stonewall Inn as a national monument has been in the works for months. But its official commemoration on Friday comes as (Click the title to read the full article)


The struggle is real


Who remembers


Archaeologists at Roanoke Island, North Carolina have just found 400-year-old artifacts believed to be from the mysterious Lost Colony, the first English settlement in North America.

Early this month, diggers at Roanoke with the National Parks Service’s Southeast Archaeological Center and the First Colony Foundation (FCF) uncovered several small pieces of Delftware pottery, a kind made in the Netherlands starting in the 16th century.

Based on that pottery’s particular tin glaze, the archaeologists on the scene are quite confident that it comes from the era of the Roanoke Colony’s founding, in the mid-1580s. (Click on the title to read the full article).

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