[Interesting] This Jade Plant In The House Attracts Money Like A Magnet

According to Feng Shui experts, all evergreen plants radiate good energy that positively affects all areas of life, especially the area of business.

This Jade Plant In The House Attracts Money Like A Magnet

I have discovered that one of the most popular plants that are believed to bring good luck, wonderful friendships and material wealth is Crassula Ovata, also known as Jade Plant, Lucky Plant, Money Plant, Pink Joy and Dollar tree. I have become attracted to this plant not only because it is beautiful, but because it is very resilient and easy to look after.

What kind of a plant is Crassula Ovata or Jade Plant?

This succulent, evergreen plant is native to Africa but it has become a very popular and well-loved houseplant all over the world. Its beautiful jade-green leaves are oval-shaped and resemble coins. They are thick, glossy and smooth and they store water.

Crassula can produce small white or pink flowers that resemble stars in early spring.

Depending on the level of sunlight, the leaves can get a pretty red color on their edges.

It can grow up to 3 meters in height. Its blossoms appear in winter and last until spring. The plant needs to hibernate from October to April. When new stems grow, they have the same quality and color as the leaves but as they grow older, they become woody and brown.

How to Grow and Care for Crassula Ovata?

There are two ways to reproduce it. One is to cut a twig, from 5 to 15 cm in length, leave it to dry for a couple of days and plant it either in clean sand or in an equal combination of soil and sand.

It should be watered sparingly in 3-4 days. It is not necessary for the soil to be wet at all times as too much water could cause cuttings to rot.

It will take the cuttings less than a month to root, when they should be separately planted in a better quality soil.

The other method of reproduction is the leaf. It you tear a leaf off the branch and lay it on the semi-most soil, it will begin to root in the places where it was attached to the branch in about a month’s time.

When it is replanted, it needs the same type of soil as for other succulents, which consists of 20 % humus, 40 % sand, 20 % of the houseplant compost and the rest can be gravel and broken bricks.

Crassula does not require a big pot but if you plant it in a bigger pot and enrich the soil with fertilizers, it will reward you with faster growth. The roots need to be pruned if you re-pot the plant and the stems should be cut back to keep an attractive shape.

From the months of October to April, crassula will be in winter hibernation, when she needs to be watered only 1-2 times. The ideal temperature in this period is 10C, and it should not fall below 0.

What does it symbolize?

It is considered as a symbol of good luck in China, so it is a perfect housewarming gift believed to bring overall prosperity, fortune and wealth. If you want to congratulate someone on a new business or marriage, Crassula is a wonderful choice. Jade is a precious stone, signifying something of great value.

Crassula leaves have a beautiful jade-green color that stands for growth and renewal, while the shape of the leaves resemble small coins, attracting material wealth and prosperity to the owner.

In order for it to bring financial blessing, you should put it in the southeast corner of your home, and it is believed that each new leaf will increase your wealth.

Lucky Plant also represents deep friendship, especially when it blossoms.

The beautiful pink and white flowers reflect the gentle care and attention that the owner has given to it, just like the care and the attention that we give to beloved friends. The flowers stand for the sweet fragrance of lasting friendships.

My own Crassula Ovata has recently become a fantastic feature in my home. So, apart from enjoying its beauty every day, I am also looking forward to seeing the results it will produce it the future.

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