[Interesting] When Everything Goes Wrong, Remember These Things
- You are not alone, everyone has had “the worst day ever”.
- Tomorrow is a new day, so everything that happened today will be in the past.
- We`ve all lost something and someone we love, but after a while, this only makes us stronger.
- You are still alive.
- You deserve better.
- Time cures everything.
- Count the good things in life, not calories.
- Anxiety and depression are not something you should be ashamed of.
- There is always someone who cares for you and who loves you.
- Do not compare yourself to other. Never.
- 40 years from now, you won`t be worried about the cake that you have just eaten.
- Do not hide the negative emotions. Talk to somebody.
- Today might not be your day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life.
- “We think too much and feel too little”- Charlie Chaplin
- Laughing prolongs your life, so what are you waiting for?
- The same goes for hugs.
- We live in a world with chocolate.
- Being sad with no reason doesn`t mean you are crazy.
- Today is not forever.
- You can get over your bad relationship, it just takes time.
- You will love again
- The best things you can have in life are for free.
- Sometimes, all you need is a hug.
- Even Beyonce has bad days.
- Stay away from negative people.
- Don`t let the demons from the past ruin your present.
- “Only in the darkness can you see the stars”- Martin Luther King
- Your life is precious and wonderful, don`t forget that.
- The pain is temporary, it won`t last forever.
- You are a miracle. Don`t let one day ruin your future.
Healthy Food Team