[Amazing] Link25 (200) – We Hate You Mosquitoes Now Die Edition

For those of you that are new around here, every weekend we bring you 25 of the week’s best links, articles, images, and videos from all over the web in a list we refer to as “Link25″. This week, you’ll find everything from Google’s satellite 700-trillion-pixel makeover to an ingenious new mosquito trap developed by the University of Florida that could finally helps us get rid of them once and for all. So get ready because this is Link25 (200) – We Hate You Mosquitoes Now Die Edition.

How This Bird Stays in Flight for What Feels Like Forever

Plenty of birds fly vast distances on their migratory trips around planet Earth. But the most amazing of all might be the frigate bird, which can stay aloft for two months straight without landing or resting. How the heck do they do that?

A team of biologists led by Henri Weimerskirch at the French National Center for Scientific Research just announced the results of a major new study on great frigates (Fregata minor), these fascinating seabirds native to the central Indian and Pacific Oceans. Using super-lightweight GPS trackers, the biologists followed four dozen birds from 2011 to 2015, some for up to (click on the title to read the full article)


GAINESVILLE (FOX 13) – Over the past four years, University Of Florida entomology graduate student Casey Parker has killed millions of mosquitos.

“I love killing mosquitos!” she laughed as she told FOX 13 News about her research.

Parker is part of a team of researchers who developed a promising new mosquito-killing trap. It’s a black and red plastic object about the size of a milk carton.

Why black and red?

“Mosquitos find those colors attractive,” explained Dr. Roberto Pereira, a UF research scientist who’s spent six years developing the trap.

When placed in a shady place, it attracts female mosquitoes to lay their eggs inside. The device then kills both adult mosquitoes and larvae. (Click on the title to read the full article).


With a net worth of 81.1 billion dollars, you can do whatever you want- and that’s precisely what Bill Gates is doing by investing in the cannabis industry.

Bill Gates is proud to announce that Microsoft has partnered with KIND Financial to provide a seed-to-sale tracking system. The partnership will create ATM-like kiosks and a way for cannabis collectives to deal in cash without risking their lives.

Four years ago, Bill Gates voted ‘Yes’ in favor of recreational marijuana in the form of Initiative 502 in his home state of Washington. “It’s an experiment, and it’s probably good to have a couple states try it out to see before you make that national policy,” he said at the time. “Can they keep it out of minors’ hands? Will it reduce alcohol consumption? Are there some people who use it at (click on the link to read the full article)


If there is one thing on this planet that we can all agree on, it’s that we’re all a lot happier after we’ve seen the stumpy fluffballs known as corgis. Today, we warm your hearts and raise your spirits with forty-four corgi photos that will make you forget your problems:(click on the title to see the full article).


A TESLA MODEL S driver using the car’s semi-autonomous Autopilot feature died when the car hit an 18-wheeler, the first known fatality involving technology that remains in beta testing.

The collision occurred May 7 when the big-rig made a left turn in from of the Model S at an intersection on a divided highway in Williston, Florida. “Neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so the brake was not applied” and the car (click on the title to read the full article).


Two tiny wings entombed in amber reveal that plumage (the layering, patterning, coloring, and arrangement of feathers) seen in birds today already existed in at least some of their predecessors nearly a hundred million years ago.

A study of the mummified wings, published in the June 28 issue of Nature Communications and funded in part by the National Geographic Society’s Expeditions Council, indicated they most likely belonged to enantiornithes , a group of avian dinosaurs that (click on the title to read the full article).


More than 1 billion people use Google Maps every month, making it possibly the most popular atlas ever created. On Monday, it gets a makeover, and its many users will see something different when they examine the planet’s forests, fields, seas, and cities.

Google has added nearly 1.5 trillion pixels of new data to its service*. The new map, which activates this week for all users of Google Maps and Google Earth, consists of orbital imagery that is newer, more detailed, and of higher contrast than the previous version.

Most importantly, this new map contains fewer clouds than before—only the second time Google has unveiled a “cloudless” map. Google had not updated its (Click on the title to read the full article).


Michael Phelps held five fingers high after his hand hit the wall, a sure sign he realized he’d done something much larger than win another race.

With his victory in the 200-meter butterfly on Wednesday evening, Phelps became the first American male swimmer to qualify for five Olympics. But the moment felt heavier than that even. He thought he never wanted to swim again in 2012 and in the four years since, he had plunged into an emotional abyss, been arrested, learned volumes about himself in therapy, found love and become a dad. (Click the title to see the full article)


In an ongoing project, illustrator Austin Light removes one letter from popular television shows and draws the results. He even comes up with a premise for the new shows and shares the results on his Instagram account.
The idea first began on reddit where users removed one letter from popular movie titles and came up with a new synopsis. Austin took the idea one step further, creating a series of illustrations for each of the titles and the post went viral and was even turned into a book last year! (Click on the title to see the full article).

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