[Interesting] 4 Warning Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries And How To Unclog Them The Natural Way

In order to stay health and prevent heart attacks, we need to take proper care of our arteries since they carry blood in oxygen and life-systaining nutrients. They pass blood from the heart to other body parts. If they somehow get blocked, it will obstruct the blood flow.

Consuming unhealthy foods, fat, particles of cholesterol will block the arteries and will create streaks and plague that will stop the blood flow.

Here are the 4 signs of clogged arteries:

Erectile dysfunction
If you have trouble getting penis up, then the arteries of penis are blocked. It means blood flow is needed to keep an erection.

Creased earlobes
Creased earlobes happen due to poor circulation angled diagonally from the external edge of the ear canal to the lower earlobe edge. It can develop a cardiovascular disease like pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, heart attack and aterosclerosis.

Numbness or pain in the leg:
Numbness or pain in one or in both legs may be a symptom of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Shortness of breath
If you have clogged arteries, you will experience shortness of breath during daily activities such as walking the stairs.

Natural Remedies for Clogged Arteries

Lemons: lemon is very beneficial because it contains vitamin C which prevents cold and maintains a healthy blood flow. Moreover, it can recude coronary artery disease and reduces heart problems.

Remedy: all you have to do is to add lemon juice in a glass of warm water, a pinch of powdered black pepper and a tablespoon of honey. Take this syrup twice per day for few weeks.

Pomegranate: it has the ability to prevent clogged arteries since it is a rich source of vitamin K, E and C, potent antioxidant, and contains phyto chemicals as well.

Remedy: Take one glass of pomegranate juice daily.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is high in alpha-linolenic acid and helps to prevent inflammation and artery blockages.

Remedy: Take 2 to 4 tablespoons daily. You can also add it soups, salads, cereals and yogurts.

Garlic: we all know the great health benefits of garlic so it can be used in to reduce the risk of heart attack, strenghten immune system, improve blood circulation, and lower the LDL cholesterol levels.

Remedy: just prepare a mixture of one glass of milk and 3 chopped cloves. Boil the mixture and after that leave it to cool. Once cold, drink the mixture before going to sleep.

Turmeric: used as a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is able to prevent blockages and supports a cardiovascular system.

Remedy: just mix one tablespoon of turmeric with a glass of milk and add one tablespoon of honey. Take this amazing solution twice a day.

Bonus Tips:
  • Take green tea with every meal.
  • Take omega-3 supplements.
  • Take limit red meat menu
  • Add coconut oil to your meals and reduce plaque buildup.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight and get Vitamin D.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do meditation.
  • Add whole-grain and legume to your diet.
  • Do not prefer refined sugar. Use brown sugar or cinnamon as a substitute.
  • Prefer extra virgin oil for cooking.
  • Eat fruits with bright colors like butternut squash, watermelon, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, blueberries and mangoes.
  • Do not eat processed foods, fried foods and junk foods.
  • Do not consume alcohol
  • Drink homemade natural cranberry juice.
  • Consume walnuts or almonds to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Take 100 to 300 mcg of vitamin B12 every day.
Science 830114217692491956

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