[Amazing] 25 Reasons To Study Abroad

Student exchange programs were actually introduced as early as after World War II, but it was not until the past years and decades when they became popular and available almost all over the world. These days, there are thousands of universities and colleges in many countries that have been taking part in these programs to enable students from other countries to study at their institutions. The original intention of student exchange programs was to increase the participants’ understanding and tolerance of other cultures while improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons. While these things are still among the main reasons why young people decide to study abroad, there are many other good reasons for participating in a student exchange program. If you are considering studying in a foreign country, it’s highly recommended for you to keep on reading because this post might help you make the decision. It is quite natural and understandable to be somewhat fearful of all the changes associated with studying and living in a different country, but as you will see in this post, studying abroad has way more pros than cons. To find out how much you can actually gain by taking part in a student exchange program, check out these 25 Reasons To Study Abroad.


It is one of the best ways to experience a foreign place and culture. A tourist who comes to the place for a two-week holiday will never experience it as intensely and intimately as you will during your long-term stay.


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Having to take care of yourself in a foreign country will make you a self-sufficient, independent, and confident person.


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Studying abroad is a great way to improve your CV or resume. At job interviews, employers usually tend to choose people with international experiences.

job interview

Image: en.wikipedia.org


You can study new exciting subjects that are not available at your home university.


Image: en.wikipedia.org


You will make life-long friends. Out of the hundreds of new people you will meet, some will probably become your friends for life.

friends on beach

Image: pixabay.com


Actually, while studying in a foreign country, you can even find the love of your life. There are many couples who met when one or both of them were in a student exchange program.


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You can learn new languages with minimum effort. It is so much easier to master a language when you learn it by using it when talking to your new friends.

friends talking

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When studying abroad, you can make new contacts that might be helpful for your future career.


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You will discover new exciting foods. Every country has its cuisine and national dishes and there is a good chance that you will totally love some of them.

thai food

Image: en.wikipedia.org


Studying abroad will help you better understand yourself. Having to take care of yourself in a completely new environment will show you your strengths and weaknesses, which might be important for you in your future life.

confident woman

Image: pexels.com


After spending some time studying abroad, you will not fear the idea of starting your career in a foreign country, which might be a huge advantage for you.

entrepreneur network event

Image: en.wikipedia.org


You will appreciate things that you took for granted before. It is natural that you will miss some things when on a student exchange program, but this will only make you appreciate them more once you are back home.


Image: pixabay.com


Studying abroad might not be as expensive as you think. If you take advantage of the perks of international students and get a scholarship to cover your expenses, spending a semester in a foreign country will not make you go bankrupt.


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Talking about finances, you can use your spare time to find a part time job and make some extra money that you can later use to travel around the country you're staying in.

part time job

Image: Valter Lim via flickr.com


Studying abroad will help you get new perspective and global mind-set. Once you get back home, you will be able to base your opinions and beliefs on your actual experiences.

people talking

Image: commons.wikimedia.org


It will be an unforgettable experience. Many students consider their year abroad the best part of their studies.


Image: commons.wikimedia.org


Studying abroad enables you to visit places that have always been on your bucket list. There are many universities that accept international students in some of the world's most popular metropolises such as Paris, Rome, or Hong Kong.

Eiffel Tower

Image: commons.wikimedia.org


It will greatly improve your social skills and the ability to get along with new people.

young people

Image: Evgeniy Isaev via flickr.com


The photos and updates you will post on your social media will make all your friends extremely jealous.

taking selfie

Image: Eric Gross via flickr.com


You might find a new location for your life. Many international students loved their host countries so much they even decided to relocate there after their exchange program was over.

moving to new home

Image: en.wikipedia.org


Studying abroad is a great way to find out who your true friends are in your home country. Yes, it is those who keep in touch with you, no matter how far you are from them.

girl calling

Image: pexels.com


It is a perfect opportunity to start writing a travel blog.

writing a travel blog

Image: pexels.com


Once you get comfortable and familiar with the new environment, you can invite your family or friends to visit you and show them around your new “home country.”


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You can stay with a local host family instead of living in a dorm, which is the best way to learn as much as you can about how local people live.

host family

Image: pixabay.com


Teachers are usually somewhat indulgent with international students to make their stay as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. This will give you a sufficient amount of free time to explore the new place and to try new hobbies.

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Image: Reflected Serendipity via flickr.com

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