Exclusive - 230 PMA Alumni Condemns Trillanes For His Disrepectful Conduct During The Senate Hearing!
Trillanes shamed the highly revered stature of the long gray line." This is how the alumni of Philippine Military Academy (PMA) described the attitude and performance of Senator Antonio Trillanes on the Senate hearing on extrajudicial killings.
We, the undersigned, condemn in the strongest terms your behaviour as a bully and your conduct unbecoming of a people's senator. More, we are aghast and purely discombobulated that as a graduate of the revered and prestigious Philippine Military Academy, you showed you are not an officer, neither are you a gentleman. What kind of manners do you have? You are not just an embarrassment to your people, to your family, to your co-alumni, you are an embarrassment to yourself. Decency and education dictate that real men settle their differences with dignity. Even in a duel, true gentlemen face death or the chance of killing somebody with finesse. Your actions against Mr. Cayetano can only be described along the lines of pre-historic men when grunting was to converse and reason was delivered by a club. You have set civilization back to the stone age. And that is not an exaggeration. The open letter added that Trillanes' conduct was an exact opposite of what is being taught the the prestigious military academy. Perhaps a simple apology will suffice that you may deserve understanding and forgiveness. Perhaps a little bit of humility and politeness will regain your humanity back. Still we are not holding our breaths for such to happen. We have witnessed over the years that power and position have gone to your head and that you have crossed the point of no return. Your arrogance and self righteousness are phenomenal! No, we will not say you are beyond redemption. That is between you and God. We just hope, you will find in your heart the reason why we are here and that power, glory, influence, wealth and importance pass like all things. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Such reactions by the graduate of PMA came after Trillanes intimidated Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano on his try to interpolate Senate Witness Edgar Matobato during the senate inquiry.
An open letter was started by the alumna of PMA Batch '78, Abe Parungganan and PMA Batch '77, Dan Jimenez on the Facebook group "ThelongGrayLine," a group for PMA almni and cadets.
The open letter intended to asks PMA alumni and cadets to affix their names if they feel the same towards Trillanes attitude during the senate inquiry knowing that Trillanes is a graduate of PMA. As of September 17, 2016 at 6 am, there are 230 PMA alumni and cadets that supported the two.