Exclusive - Canadian Political Scientist Blasts De Lima “You are an educated person and have been clever enough to mislead not only your people but also the world”
The controversy of the recent committee hearings has brought much fire to Senator Leila De Lima from all sides. Whether it be from local media and Filipino netizens, now she has new critics from the other side of the world.
In an open letter posted on Facebook, a self-proclaimed Canadian political scientist by the name Amir Assadolahi wrote this letter:
I am a Canadian political scientist and also have studied psychology and sociology too, in addition I have been following the Philippine politics and culture for many years and have been studying the Philippine history not only from books, but also from Filipinos themselves. I work with many of them as well! I know the Filipinos mental state when they are under pressure.CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 2
My question is that how come Colangco is able to spill humor while testifying while himself is being incriminated and while he too may face more severe sentences if he was being under psychological and emotional strains and Senator De Lima claiming that he was tortured to testify against her?
Madam Senator De Lima, you are an educated person and have been clever enough to mislead not only your people but also the world, but I doubt you are clever enough to escape this overwhelming evidence against you.
Your tittle, your education and your position has no power if you are being impeached, and if the evidence against you is going to put you behind bars, you should start bargaining and testifying against those higher-ups in your crime and drug network as well as those people with domestic or foriegn interests who you lobbied for them and they lobbied for you for other things that allowed them take advantage of your position in the government! Why? Because you would not have been able to pull this off all by yourself.
The government already has evidence against those higher than you in this criminal acts for drugs and other acts, but it is better for you to come clean publicly, and stop playing politics. In your speech I heard a lot of labeling by you against those who are impeaching you.
If you were not guilty, you would not needed to label them at all. You should have allowed the investigation take its course, and let the evidence speak by itself.
Moreover, you have already harmed enough the credibility of the new President, the Philippine Government and with it the prosperity of your people, but despite of your "political games," the new President and the new Philippine Government has become more popular globally and domestically, and has shown the power of democracy in action!
Although he (the Philippine's New President - Mr. Duterte) speaks in a simple way, he speaks the language that all Filipinos understand, because he is serving the people of the Philippine, because he has no needs for fancy language as much as you enjoy using! He truly wants to give all his energy and skills to make Philippine great for the Filipinos and allow businesses grow in the Philippines.
By the way, most of the people don't understand some of the meaning of the fancy labels you use to discredit the "Government of the Philippines" by labeling the President and the Senate who are impeaching you and ousted you from your seat of power. You have been attacking him for many years on his fight against drugs and creating his city a safe and secure city while he was a Mayor. Why? Because you and your lobby network lost a lot of drug and crime related businesses!
You should know that and I am sure you already know that the people who would lose from your being incriminated have already taken the precautions against you to protect their own tails (because they are more clever than you are) and you know that already, and your days are numbered (and you know that too), because you are a high target profile for them now. You are sinking so fast, and just gust grasping for air and trying to grab and pull-down with you the people who want to save you too, and so everyone is staying away from you!
The post has gone viral on social media and the Filipino netizens took no toime to express their shame and disappointment to the senator.