Exclusive - INSPIRING: This 10-Year-Old Boy Grows His Hair Longer Because Of One Reason That Won The Hearts Of The Netizens!
Kids have the most natural way of giving back. Their level of innocence can never be leveled with by any adult and sometimes, they just want to help.
When Thomas Moore saw his mother watching video on Facebook about a girl who had lost her hair because of cancer, he had the brightest
The 8-year old boy decided to grow his hair out and donate it kids who have lost their hair because of chemotherapy.
He did it for the next two years of his life.
He didn’t set a time frame for how long he would grow his hair for, but “just wanted it to be long enough to make the girl feel happy,” Ray said.
When he turned ten years old and it was finally time to cut his hair, Thomas had enough hair cut off to help three people.
This story was inspiring that many people in Internet were moved to tears and applause when they hear about the brave and kind act of the young boy.
This boy from Maryland had his aunt post a before and after picture, and it has accumuluated over 57 thousand shares and 110 thousand shares on the internet.
Chemotherapy is administered to treat cancer and some other diseases, but it can also cause hair lose because of the intense curing of the cancer cells.
This is why people resort to wigs, which are expensive. It takes 10 inches of hair to donate to Locks of Love, an organization that helps patients shoulder that cost through the efforts of people like Thomas.
Source: TNP, BoredPanda