Exclusive - Little Girl Became A Vegetarian After Knowing How Animals Are Butchered To be Food! MUST WATCH!

Children are fond of watching cartoons in which their favourite character are animals. That is why children are shocked to see that what they read in fables, or carton characters that they see are being butchered to be served in their tables.

Zada, a -5-year-old knew how animals are being butchered to be food, then she said that she does not want to eat meat anymore!

Zada’s mother asked her if what she will eat, then she said, with a shaking voice:

“I will eat whatever is on the table but not chicken or meat.”

Her face became sad after answering her mother. She also answered the question of her mom on why she does not want to eat meat anymore:

“Because they are animals and they like animals.” 

She then gave emphasis that she does not want to eat animals! How adorable!

Source: TNP , Viral4real

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