Exclusive - Matobato's Family Describe Him As Barbaric: 'He Just Keeps On Talking, He Just Keeps On Making Stories'

The controversies in the extrajudicial killings continue as the test for credibility of the presented witness, Edgar Matobato, goes on. Matobato was first presented during the 2nd hearing of the senate and has been claiming that he was one of the Davao Death Squad. According to him, he has been assassinating under the direct order of Rodrigo Duterte, killing various personalities and criminals. 

But when his family was interviewed as part to verify his statements, they seemed annoyed with him just like the senators are. Nina Capao, one his family, stated: “They couldn’t get back their money anymore because they are afraid of Edgar. It was Edgar who frequently gets money from them. They give their money to Edgar because he is always armed. He always accuses my daughter of going out with other guys, but my daughter is just staying at home most of the time. He would beat her despite that."

“I do not know if he knows Duterte. He just keeps on talking, he just keeps on making stories. Maybe he knows Duterte, because Duterte is the mayor of Davao that time, but they do not personally know each other.” She added.

Watch the full video below: 

Source: TNP, NowReaders

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