Exclusive - These Wives Bought 'Special' Dolls To Prevent Their Husbands From Cheating!

We can all agree that one of the major reason of couples who file for divorce is third party or cheating.That is why in China, men and their wives invest in what they call 's*x dolls' to prevent husband from cheating. 

Though no concrete studies prove this, husbands are more inclined to cheat than their wives. So these s*x dolls satisfy the urges of men to do the deed while not investing emotionally. These dolls are not cheap though. They cost $2000 and is made up of real skin. They are realistic enough to make men's fantasies come true. They come in different faces and outfits. Or you can just have them plainly naked. 

Watch the video below:

Source: TNP, Viral4real

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