Exclusive - This Woman Finally Enters Her 70-Year-old Neighbor's House and What She Found Out Was Shocking!

When's the last time you did a random kindness for other people. As the Bible reminds us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, this 31-year-old mother of three literally applied it to her 70-year-old neighbor who obviously needed help but is too aloof to ask for it. 

She was isolated and unfriendly yet it didn't stop Lucy Ashen who lives in that same apartment in London to always try helping the old woman. When she was finally given a chance to enter her house, she was taken aback with what she saw. The house was a total wreck not to mention the loneliness that heavily lurks the place. So Lucy decided to step in with her 14-year-old daughter and do her neighbor's house a make-over, and to give her a reason to live. She shared in her Facebook page: 

"I have lived in Fulham all my life, and I've been in the part I am now for 21 years.....and I have an elderly neighbor. She lives on her own in a one bedroom flat and she has mental health issues. For legal reasons I am not allowed to name her, so I will call her My Lady, she calls me Lucy Locket.

"Up until 10 days ago this lady was living in indescribable filth and squalor."

"There was no food, filthy clothes, nobody to help her bathe, and just never ending loneliness and despair. I had tried on numerous occasions over the last few years to gain access to her property to help her, as I knew she was living in less than acceptable conditions, I just didn't realise how bad.

"What I saw when she finally let me in will stay with me forever!

"It was horrific! NOBODY should live like it! So without stopping to think, I gutted her house! I mean everything went down to the toilet seat. I knew I needed help at this point, so without thinking too much of it I put a post on Facebook asking for help along with a list of what she needed.

"I could not have dreamt what would happen next! The response has been overwhelming! I had around 80% of the list within 24 hours! The offers of help, the donations of goods and the beautiful messages of support still continue and it has astounded me.

"It took me over 60 hours of cleaning to get her flat to an acceptable level for her to live in and 11 days on I'm still not finished!

"But with the kindness and generosity of the people who donated items I have been able to turn her house into a home.

"She has everything she could need, a bed to sleep in (she was sleeping on the floor) good clean furniture, fresh new bedding, beautiful new clothes, three meals a day, and most importantly company.


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