Exclusive - VIRAL: Filipina Rapper Talks About More Than S*x, Spits Bars Of Wisdom! You Need To WATCH This!

Female rapper from the Philippines goes viral for the most amazing reason. Far from the usual mainstream rappers we have became so used to hearing talk about petty things and s*x, this Filipina emcee delves on a deeper issue as she ravels on the ideas of racism, colonialism, s*xism, violence, self-esteem, self-image, abuse and hate.

Ruby Ibarra have gained the respect of the online community all across the globe as she not only freestyles her rap and spits an acapella but as she boldly uses her amazing gift of both rapping and literature mixing them to create a bigger message that the world needs to hear.

Her video have made rounds in the social media as it garners people's attention earning 2 Million views, 37,000 likes, 49,000 shares and 2,300 comments, almost all of which are positive. Netizens have been filled with nothing but good words for her and her message as they expressed how it have moved them.

"If you don't feel this it's cause you lack the capacity to understand." -Theresa Ballesteros

"I LOVED THIS! Who is she?! I see so many people making it about themselves gah damn shut up! She spoke about colonialism and slavery where she's from.... To white supremacy, violence, and racism here in America! She included the Natives and African Americans (hence she spoke of Jim Crow).... Damn just shut up and LISTEN!" -Octavia Smith

"Maybe you know this already..But I'll say it anyway.. Each person, we have our own likes and dislikes. Some might not like you. But you can see, there are so many who loves you. So please. Continue what you are doing!" -Sul Amor

Source: TNP, Facebook

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