
Trending Now - People Are Fleeing War-Torn Aleppo But This Man Is Staying To Care For Abandoned Cats

Meet Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel, also known as ‘the cat man of Aleppo’, Syria. Despite all the tragedy and devastation happening in his war-torn city, Aljaleel is staying there – ”no matter what happens”- to take care of more than a hundred stray and abandoned cats.

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The city of Aleppo has been a dangerous war-torn zone for 4 years now, and approximately 40,000 people have fled the city to save their lives, including most of Aljaleel’s friends. Before the war Mohammad was an electrician. However, since the conflict started he has driven ambulances in the city, rescuing people in need, and even established a sanctuary for cats Il Gattaro d’Aleppo.

lt all started with 20 kitties, but now there’s over a 100. “When people left, the cats started coming to me… Some people just left them with me knowing that I love cats.’ – Aljaleel told BBC News.

Once, a little girl came to Aljaleel with a kitten.”She cried as she handed her over to me and they left the country”. The girl told him she would miss the cat terribly, and asked Aljaleel to send her cat’s pictures… and so he does.
‘Someone who has mercy in their heart for humans has mercy for every living thing.’

More info:  Il Gattaro d’Aleppo  (h/t: bbcnews)

Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel is staying in war-torn Aleppo, Syria, to take care of abandoned cats


Most of the people have fled war zone Aleppo, including Aljaleel’s friends


So Ajaleel created a cat santuary Il Gattaro d’Aleppo for kitties left behind


lt all started with 20 kitties, but now there’s over a 100


“When people left, the cats started coming to me…” – Aljaleel told BBC News


“Some people just left them with me knowing that I love cats”


Aljaleel says he will stay with his cats “no matter what happens”


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