[Amazing] 25 Craziest Things Ever Done By Florida Man You Might Not Believe
For those of you that don’t know, Florida is an interesting place. Well, at least in terms of the news. The serious reason for this is that journalists in Florida have much more access to police records than they otherwise would have in other states or countries. That’s right, you may find it hard to believe, but Florida has some of the most transparent government laws in the world. This means that it’s really, really, really, really easy to dig up dirt in the Sunshine State. There are almost no privacy laws when it comes to public records. There are few other places in the world where the governor of the state would be required to allow a journalist to come to his wedding, or where officials would have to publicly disclose every single little thing they discuss.
Although this is the official reason, and it’s actually quite a progressive one in many aspects (thumbs up to transparency), Florida has definitely allowed for itself to have a less than stellar reputation on the internet. This is because many news stories start with “Florida Man Does…” and usually what follows is borderline unbelievable. So, in honor of the Sunshine State, these are the 25 Craziest Things Ever Done By Florida Man You Might Not Believe!
Featured Image: pexels