[Amazing] 25 Curious Facts About Doctor Who
Doctor Who has been a British sci-fi TV series produced by the BBC since 1963 that has managed to become part of the pop culture of various countries across the globe. It appeals to a wide range of people, including those from different age groups, races, nationalities, and socioeconomic classes. It is also one of the longest-running TV shows in history. What has made Doctor Who such a huge success—despite periods of disastrous TV ratings—remains a mystery.
According to Paddy O’Donnell, professor of psychology at the University of Glasgow, the reason science fiction in general works is that it explores psychological and societal themes but in a fantasy world where you can explore them in ways that are more difficult to do in real life. Doctor Who is no exception to this rule. Each episode is written in a different genre (from horror to historical parody, Victorian ghost stories to ancient Greek wars), which gives the show diversity and an authority to invent that other shows just don’t have. But before we say more, get inside our TARDIS (the time machine with which the doctor travels throughout history) and let’s learn 25 Facts About Doctor Who and what makes the show so awesome!
Suggested on Twitter by AirbusA380GirlPower @Robertsstfan; Image Source: Magnus D via Flickr