[Amazing] 25 Walkie-Talkies Inspired Object Renames That Are Sure To Make You Giggle-Wiggle
At first it seems normal. Why wouldn’t you call them walkie-talkies? That’s what they are! But when you think about it for a while, it almost becomes comical. Why not talkie-walkies? Or walker-talkers?
To give you some history, walkie-talkies were invented right around the time of World War II. In fact, there was a similar radio transmitter/receiver that was called the handie-talkie. They were both developed by Motorola and used extensively during the war. The handie-talkie was actually the handheld version while the walkie-talkie was carried as a backpack. Hence, you can see why it was called a walkie-talkie.
For the purposes of our list today, we are going to assume that whoever first started calling Motorola’s radio a “walkie-talkie” got free reign in naming all the other items that we use on a daily basis. You may think that to be a silly thought experiment, (and it is!) but it’s a funny thought experiment, and so of course, we here at List25 decided we should dedicate a list to it. While you can probably think of dozens more, these are probably the most obvious ones. Here are 25 Walkie-Talkies Inspired Object Renames That Are Sure To Make You Giggle-Wiggle!
Featured Image: wikipedia