Exclusive - Despite Rare Condition, This 14-Year-Old Pinoy Walks to an Hour to School Every Day!

Recently, GMA's iWitness covered a very special story and even went to Calintaan, Occidental Mindoro to be able to personally meet this one of a kind boy. A very rare disease called Congenital Genu Recurvatum, affecting only one in every 100,000, Inan is born with backward-bending knees causing him to walk with his hands and feet. 

Inan is 14 years old and has been suffering the disease since he was born. But this doesn't hinder this passionate kid from studying as he walks to Malpalon National High School everyday. It takes him an hour to walk the usual 30-minute distance of his school. With this, he has to wake up extra early and so he gets up from bed at around 4am, just enough for him to do household chores in the morning and walk himself to school. 

Despite the condition, Inan is very dependable. He helps his mom around the house and never underestimates himself. He even washes his own uniform after school. According to him, he can endure everything except the teasing he gets from other people and this what makes him cry at times. 

However, Inan remains hopeful and dedicated. He said, he wants to finish school no matter what so his future children would not suffer poverty as he did. 

Source: TNP , Pinoytvshows

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